7 Best Moments from Season 1 of Mr. Robot

Mr. Robot

Mr. Robot took television by storm last year when it premiered. If you haven’t seen it, find it and binge watch it now. The acting is amazing. The storyline is bananas. The connections and reveals are stellar. In anticipation of season 2, we’re taking a look at our favorite moments from season 1.



Introduced to Elliot via coffee shop

Watching Elliot (a wonerful and stupendous Rami Malek) as he slowly and quietly takes down a bad person was mesmerizing. Not only did it show us what type of person Elliot is (confident hacker, but socially awkward and nervous human), but it also


Joanna Wellick’s personality is revealed.

After Tyrell (Martin Wallström) sleeps with a male assistant to get information, he returns home to his wife…who is in BDSM lingerie, blindfolded, and ready to be strapped down. This scene was just so good because, surprise, Joanna (Stephanie Corneliussen) is NOT the quietly suffering wife to Tyrell’s Patrick Bateman-esque brand of crazy. Turns out Joanna, his pregnant wife who seemed normal, REALLY ISN’T. She is in charge. She is ruthless. She is conniving. She is definitely going to be a player in the next season.

Mr. Robot Joanna Wellick


Shayla shares her art with Elliot.

I just loved this scene because it was so sweet. Elliot keeps himself distanced from most people, and we finally see how much Shayla (Frankie Shaw) trusts him. Previously, we saw her only as Elliot’s drug hook-up. With this moment, we she has her own secret dreams and softness.


Elliot confesses to Krista about his hacking.

This is just so interesting because Elliot is finally being totally honest with Krista (Gloria Reuben). The way her face falls and pales as she realizes what Elliot has done (and is capable of) is great acting. It’s also a very vulnerable and painful moment for both Elliot and Krista as he describes the loneliness they both feel. Elliot’s rawness as an outsider is palpable.


Eliot’s family reveal

As soon as Darlene (Carly Chaikin) said, “Did you forget who I am?”, I knew we were in for some serious mind-effing. Then, when he remembered she was his sister and ran home to see if he had a CD on himself in his big black book of hacked files…just, wow. THEN, we he opened the files on himself, and we saw that Mr. Robot (Christian Slater) was his dad…well, that was beyond nuts. Elliot’s frantic emotions and tenuous hold on his sanity was mesmerizing.


Elliot is Mr. Robot.

Watching Elliot react and realize that his mind really is broken was, simply put, jaw-dropping. I mean, when Elliot (and us, the viewer) realized that Mr. Robot was a fragment of Elliot’s damaged mind and not still a living person, I yelled out loud. It was reminiscent of the mind-bendingness of Fight Club and Memento. This scene reveals just how broken Elliot is and it threw the entire story into doubt. Can we trust what is real or not? Can we trust Elliot? Can he trust himself?


White Rose

Um, who was expecting White Rose to be B.D. Wong dressed as a woman? And THEN to get the end of finale teaser of White Rose in a suit, obviously playing someone (but who is he playing?). The 3 minutes that Elliot got with White Rose was like a game of cat and mouse that was expertly and heart-thumpingly played.

Mr. Robot B.D. Wong


We can’t wait to see what craziness happens in season 2 of Mr. Robot. Tune in July 13 to find out!


Photo Credit: Mr.Robot/USA


Taraneh has been happily living in NYC for over a decade, but originally hails from the Midwest. Enamored with books at a young age, she grew up making stories, playing make believe, and loving the musical and performing arts. She is great at binge-watching TV shows. Some current favorites: Schitt's Creek, A Court of Mist & Fury, Prince Harry, and The Magicians.

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  1. […] hackers can do. If you see the play and get eery pricks of similar themes you’ve seen in the TV show Mr. Robot, you’re not […]

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