Pop Culturalist Chats with The Darkest Minds’ Peyton Wich

Peyton Wich

Peyton Wich is an exciting fresh face who got his big break playing Troy, the hot-headed bully who tormented Mike, Dustin, Lucas, and Will, on Netflix’s award-winning series, Stranger Things. While Peyton is nothing like Troy, he enjoys the challenge of embodying characters who are completely different than him, which is perfect because he’ll next play a pivotal antagonist in the upcoming film, The Darkest Minds. We chatted with Peyton about the movie and a new project he has coming out in the fall that’s sure to give you goosebumps.

PC: Tell us about The Darkest Minds, your character, and what drew you to this project.
Peyton: The Darkest Minds is an action/adventure thriller movie about these kids with really interesting powers and their struggles in the new world they’ve been forced into. I auditioned for my role just as I would any other, and when I booked it, I was pretty excited. I was able to read the script, and the writing was excellent. My role is not huge but it is critical to the story, and it was some of the most fun I’ve ever had on set. I can’t say much more since the movie is not out yet.

PC: How familiar were you with the source material? How did you prepare for this role?
Peyton: I have not read any of the various books in The Darkest Minds franchise, but I, of course, read the script for the movie. In order to prepare for my role, I really had to get in the mindset of my character and try to understand who he was, why he acts the way he does, imagine what he’s been through and how it would feel if I were going through those same sorts of things. Every character, whether good, mean, scared, etc., has a reason for being that way.

PC: How much of Peyton is in your character?
Peyton: Not very much of myself is present in my character, but he is a little snarky at times, which I suppose I can reflect that from time to time. He has obviously experienced things that I have never experienced in real life which has shaped the way he is. That being said, it is fun and challenging to play characters that are quite the opposite of your normal personality.

PC: You’re best known for your role as Troy on Stranger Things. What are some of the major
similarities and differences between the two characters?

Peyton: This character is similar to Troy in many ways. He’s not the nicest. I can’t say much else without getting into spoiler territory, but he is definitely an antagonist. Troy was an average kid, but in Stranger Things, the only one with superpowers around was Eleven. In this movie, that’s not the case. I think this character is more mature than Troy was and the world he is living in is a much different world.

PC: If you could have a superpower, what would it be and why?
Peyton: If I could have a superpower, it would have to be either reading minds, or maybe even invisibility—I really can’t decide. Having a power is such a huge thing that can change your life depending on the power you choose; I would need a whole lot of time to come to a final decision. It is a decision I wouldn’t take lightly!

PC: How did you and the cast build your bond?
Peyton: The cast and I got along great. It was so much fun hanging out with them in between takes. Some of us might have even played soccer in between scenes at one point. [laughs] They are all super kind and welcoming and all-around great people. One of the highlights was hanging out and going to dinner with Miya Cech who plays Zu. She just happened to be a fan of Stranger Things. I really enjoyed hanging with Skylan on set and talking to Harris as well. It is always fun to do films with other young people.

PC: Besides The Darkest Mind, do you have any other upcoming projects that you can chat

Peyton: I have a pretty prominent role in the upcoming Goosebumps sequel being released in October (Goosebumps 2: Haunted Halloween) that I’m very, very excited about. Unfortunately, that is about all I can say about it for the time being, but I cannot wait to share more!

Pop Culturalist Speed Round

PC: Guilty pleasure TV show?
Peyton: I really love The Vampire Diaries, I know, eww, stereotypical vampire story. I don’t care, I love it, definitely one of my favorites.

PC: Favorite movie?
Peyton: My favorite movie is probably everyone else’s favorite at the time as well, Avengers: Infinity War, it’s a masterpiece, ‘nuff said.

PC: Favorite book?
Peyton: I don’t read much but I did read Mr. Mercedes since I was going to be in it. It was excellent!

PC: Favorite play or musical?
Peyton: I don’t watch many plays or musicals, but I really liked The Lion King as a kid. I have never done any plays or musicals as an actor. It is such a different talent than acting on film. I admire those who do it, but I don’t think it really fits my style of acting.

PC: A band or artist that fans would be surprised to learn is on your playlist?
Peyton: I don’t know that people would be surprised because it’s all over my Instagram story. I really love The Weeknd, such a talented artist, I think sonically, he’s way ahead of his time. I also just really love music in general. I could talk about it all day.

PC: Favorite social media platform?
Peyton: My preferred social media platform is Instagram; it’s the easiest to handle in my opinion. I do also have Twitter and Facebook.

PC: Last show you binge-watched?
Peyton: I recently finished Breaking Bad, and…wow…just wow. What an amazing show it was, the acting was incredible all the way through, I loved every bit of it.

PC: Hidden talent?
Peyton: I am a great singer when no one is listening!

Make sure to follow Peyton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, and catch The Darkest Minds in theaters on August 3rd.

Photo Credit: Bjoern Kommerell


Kevin is a writer living in New York City. He is an enthusiast with an extensive movie collection, who enjoys attending numerous conventions throughout the year. Say hi on Twitter and Instagram!

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