Pop Culturalist Chats With Jade Hassouné

Jade Hassouné portrays Meliorn on the hit Freeform series Shadowhunters. Pop Culturalist was lucky enough to chat with this fan favorite about what’s to come for his character and how much he loves being on the series.
PC: We have to say our favorite line from any character on the show is “All Shadowhunters look the same to me” and we wanted to know how that scene came about?
Jade: Thanks so much for commenting on it, that makes me so happy! I love that scene. Honestly, it was a lot of fun. Originally, there was no scene like that in the script. I remember at the table reading, a couple of days before we started shooting the episode, it was suddenly there. It was a new scene that was added and I was really excited about it because I love working with David. At the reading, the writers looked up and smiled at us and winked and it’s such an awesome scene. Side note…it was also edited down, meaning the scene was originally longer.
PC: Let’s hope we see that in the future if Shadowhunters is ever released on DVD/Blu-ray!
Jade: It would be great! We cracked up a lot in that scene.
PC: We’re sure there are times when the cast cracks up in a scene because of what is written or what is required of you to do.
Jade: Definitely from time to time. When something is funny it just happens. Everyone is a pro though.
PC: Will we see more of Meliorn and Raphael interacting in episodes to come?
Jade: I’m pretty sure that we will see more of them coming up. We love working together, so it could be a possibility! Meliorn, Izzy, and Raphael fighting alongside each other is so epic, so let’s hope we see more.
PC: That goes right into our next question. Do you prefer to play the softer side of Meliorn or the more badass warrior side we’ve come to see more of?
Jade: [laughs] I really like both. I like playing a spectrum…the multidimensional aspects of him. It’s great to see the epic side—we’ve been waiting for it for so long—but I like that I get to play all sides of him.
PC: Well hopefully we get to see more of him in season 3. We can always use more Meliorn, there’s never enough for us!
Jade: Yes!
PC: We’ve always enjoyed Izzy and Meliron’s relationship and how they understand one another and always have each other’s backs. Can you tease if we will see them team up again? I know their dynamic has changed a little bit.
Jade: [The dynamic] definitely has changed. We never got to see the transition out of [romantic territory] because it happened off screen. I think what we all discovered is that they will have each other’s backs and we got to see some of that on the battlefield. When it comes down to really trusting each other, I hope it continues. I think so. We are fortunate enough to have a third season to explore all these characters more. We are all discovering this stuff as the writers [prepare new scripts] and it’s so cool because as we get to create interesting dynamics and understand more about their world.
PC: Is there anything you bring to Meliorn personally that you’ve sort of created on your own? Things that he’s been through that may have happened off screen or possible headcanons about his past?
Jade: Absolutely! That’s how I jump into the role. We already know some of his past because of the Mortal Instruments book series. There’s a backstory to Meliorn that is so cool and I go into filming knowing that. We do have different moments outside the books that allow us to see who he is. It’s such a dream to play a character like Meliorn.
PC: Well you definitely do him justice and he is definitely an interesting and entertaining character!
Jade: [laughs] Thanks!
PC: Do you think it’s fair to say Meliorn will side with his Queen? She’s certainly making moves in the Downworld and trying to get as many people on her side. Is it fair to say he’s going to align with her fairly easily?
Jade: Yes, I think so. I mean he’s indebted to her and it’s part of his backstory, but it’s spoilery if I talk about it. [laughs] He’s kind of stuck, but he has a really good life as Prince of the Seelies. He’s her right hand man and he was raised in her court. So ultimately, yeah, I think Seelies look out for their own and will sometimes join the evil side because they see the bigger picture and want to survive, however, things can be surprising and even I am surprised sometimes as to where things go and what choices characters make.
PC: We’re sure you can’t say too much as there are only three episodes left in the season. We do know there’s more than one death, do you think those deaths will effect Meliorn?
Jade: Yes, I think so. It’s going to affect everybody. We’ve already seen a lot of warriors killed in the first half of season two. You might remember that Meliorn said to Luke, “If this goes wrong I’ll never forgive you.” Even though things didn’t go completely wrong, they will have to answer to the Queen and I don’t think we are all going to like it.
The last three episodes are incredible. They look awesome and are very dramatic and it’s going to make the story bigger and more epic. I’m excited!
PC: We’re excited, too! The show has grown so much since season one, it’s sometimes hard to believe it’s the same show.
Jade: We’ve evolved from where we started in season one. I love the show and I love talking about it!

Pop Culturalist Speed Round
PC: Guilty pleasure TV show?
Jade: I don’t know if it’s a guilty pleasure because I adore it but Rupaul’s Drag Race. I think it’s such a good show! It’s brilliant.
PC: Guilty pleasure movie?
A: Mean Girls, but it’s also brilliant. People say it’s a guilty pleasure, but I’ve watched it a million times.
PC: Favorite book?
Jade: I have so many. I just read a book called Souls in the Sea and it’s a nonfiction book about dolphins, whales, etc. and it dives into mythology. It’s about who they are and how their consciousness works. It’s so good.
PC: A band or artist fans would be surprised to learn is on your playlist?
Jade: Well since I always talk about pop music there’s a band called The Cat Empire that I really love. They have so many different styles and use various different instruments.
PC: Do you have a favorite musical or play?
Jade: I did read for a musical once in Montreal. It was really fun. I do love The Little Mermaid on Broadway. I thought it was such a good version. That’s one of my number one musicals. In the Heights is good, as well as The Last Five Years.
PC: Hidden talent?
Jade: There’s so much that I do artistically that I’ve already sort of shared with people, but I just started rock climbing over the last year. I’ve become a fan of it and it’s a lot of fun. I feel like I’m getting somewhere and discovering all these neat skills that come along with it. I feel like Lara Croft [laughs].
PC: Favorite social platform?
Jade: Instagram is my favorite. That’s my go-to. I’m not on Facebook so much anymore. People will be like didn’t you get my message, and I’ll be like where and they’ll say Facebook and I’m like eh…no [laughs].I love Snapchat too—it’s good for a laugh. Twitter, I don’t use as much. Twitter is more about your opinions and Instagram is more of a sort of scrapbook and I like that.
PC: Go-to karaoke song?
Jade: OMG! Karaoke is one of my regular outings! Definitely “Blue Jeans” by Lana Del Rey. It’s a super good song!
Make sure to follow Jade on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, and catch Shadowhunters every Monday on Freeform!
Photo Credit: Lesley Bryce
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