Exclusive Interview: Pop Culturalist Chats with Thomas J. O’Brien

Thomas J. O'Brien

Thomas J. O’Brien has blown audiences away at festivals around the world. His ability to transform into any character has earned him notable accolades at the Rome International Movie Awards, the Pinnacle Film Awards, the New York Film Awards, and dozens more.

Pop Culturalist was lucky enough to sit down with Thomas to learn more about him.

PC: How did you discover your passion for acting?
Thomas: I discovered my passion for acting when I tried out for a small student film. I really enjoyed the experience.

PC: You’ve had a lot of success in your career. When you look back, is there a particular moment that stands out?
Thomas: I think it’s been receiving acceptance, maybe even credibility, from my peers as being a legit actor, receiving multiple awards and accolades, and having a celebrity actress such as Tara Reid read and take interest in a screenplay (Mixxer) I had co-written with filmmaker Caster Fagan.

PC: In addition to acting, you’re also a writer. How has your work behind the scenes made you a stronger actor and vice versa?
Thomas: Working behind the scenes has benefited me as an actor by giving me a boost in knowledge and an edge on working in film production from the creative sense.

PC: The Confined has made its way around the festival circuit and been well received. What do you think is resonating most with audiences?
Thomas: I think what’s resonating with audiences is that they’re looking for a good thriller and scare. The Confined proves the old expression “less is more.” You can do a lot as long as the script, creative, direction, concept, acting, and storytelling are strong and the production is effective—which doesn’t mean it has to be a big production either.

PC: You’ve got a few projects in the works. Are there any that you can talk about at this time?
Thomas: At this moment, I can’t really mention too much about them, but I will say they are moving along even with this unprecedented experience of the pandemic. I’m just looking forward to beginning, resuming, and working on them, hopefully sooner rather than later. Like every other actor, I’m always looking to do more acting gigs. I can’t say I’m one of those actors that lounge around. I prefer to use my time productively.

To keep up with Thomas, follow him on Twitter and Instagram.

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Kevin is a writer living in New York City. He is an enthusiast with an extensive movie collection, who enjoys attending numerous conventions throughout the year. Say hi on Twitter and Instagram!

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