Exclusive Interview: Pop Culturalist Chats with The Kissing Booth’s Bianca Bosch

Bianca Bosch

As a young girl, Bianca Bosch knew exactly what she wanted to do with her life—so much so that she pretty much manifested it. But she never imagined she would land the first audition she went out for, let alone for one of Netflix’s biggest film franchises. We caught up with Bianca to learn more about her journey as an up-and-coming actress, being a part of The Kissing Booth, and where she hopes her character’s storyline heads in the third installment.


PC: How did you discover your passion for acting?
Bianca: As cliché as it sounds, I do believe I was born with it and it’s in my blood. Ever since I was a tiny little girl, I was always either putting on shows or performing. I started dancing from a very young age. I always wanted to entertain, and I used to bunk so much school when I was a kid so I could stay home and practice my interviews and make up little skits and perform them for my parents. [laughs]

I knew I was never interested in schoolwork. I was like, “I know what I’m going to be when I’m older. I know what I want and where I’m going.” So it’s funny. I manifested it, which is quite crazy and it’s incredible that this is what has happened and how it’s turned out. I’m so grateful. It was a journey, to say the least.

My mom danced. So I grew up with someone who threw me into dancing from a young age and I absolutely loved it. My dance teacher advised me to audition for a musical called Evita. So I took some singing lessons and prepared one of the songs from Evita that the mistress sings: “Another Suitcase in Another Hall.” I got a call back and booked the role.

When I left that audition, I jumped into the car and said to my mom, “That’s it. I want to be an actress. That was one of the best days of my life. I don’t want to dance anymore. I want to sing and I want to act. This is incredible.” It was that discovery of musical theater that birthed this absolute love and passion for my craft.

PC: Speaking of the journey, what’s one thing that you know now that you wish you knew when you started?
Bianca: Definitely that everybody’s journey is different. Everything happens for a reason. Where you are now is where you are supposed to be because that is where you are meant to be because that’s what you can handle in that moment and that’s what you’re ready and capable of.

It’s a natural tendency for a human to compare themselves with other actors and get competitive. That’s one mistake I made. Now looking back, I realize there’s no point of looking at it that way. Only look and focus in on yourself and your journey. Everyone’s journey is different, and yours is going to be particularly created around your life, your background, what you want, and how you live.

PC: Who or what has had the biggest influence on your career?
Bianca: Margot Robbie is my absolute muse. Being from Australia, making it in America, how natural she is, how grounded she is, how incredibly hardworking, talented, and how well she’s done in her career. She definitely set goals and standards that I want and hopefully will attain one day.

I would also say the support of my family. A career like this is hard and it’s tough. They were that backbone of strength that kept telling me to continue and to fight for what I wanted. Their constant support has been a huge influence. That is something that allows me to get up in the morning and continue to fight for my dreams, which isn’t always easy.

I would say close friends and family but also the incredible teachers that I’ve met along the way. One being Matthew Harrison, who really taught me to shut out my ego and focus on the character, the character’s placement, and the character’s intent, digging deeper into screen analysis and what you’ve actually got to bring to the table. You’re this vessel and the writer and director are going to filter through what they need. You have a say in it, and it’s going to be personalized, but at the same time, you’ve got to honor that character, and you’ve got to honor your work. It’s not actually about you.

The Kissing Booth

PC: You’re starring in one of the biggest film franchises on Netflix. How did you get involved with The Kissing Booth?
Bianca: Funny enough, this was the very first audition I’ve ever been to. The experience and audition process was incredible and it was tough. I went through four rounds of audition before I got told that I booked the role. I just got back from America training at the American Academy of Dramatic Arts. I thought, “Why not?” I’m here for the season in Cape Town. I just got an agent and she sent me to The Kissing Booth audition. I thought, “There’s no way that I’m going to book this.” This is just to experience auditioning for the first time. Let’s go in and enjoy the experience.

In hindsight, it’s what got me the role because I was confident yet super grounded. I fully allowed myself to be and live in the moment instead of preempting, “What if I don’t get this?” I got out of my head. That’s the trick to all auditioning. It was a crazy, crazy experience but probably the most enjoyable and most exciting experience I’ve had in my life.

PC: The Kissing Booth 3 has already been announced. Is there anything you can tease about the upcoming film?
Bianca: I can’t say too much. Expect a lot more drama. Get ready for some very good-looking people involved.

PC: If you could write a storyline for Olivia, what would it be and why?
Bianca: Definitely that she gets involved with either Marco or Noah, no doubt. They are very good-looking guys, and with her mindset and character, I think that she is gunning for one of them. She would be happy to have either of them on her arm. Plot twist: she gets the guy!

Pop Culturalist Speed Round

PC: Guilty pleasure TV show?
Bianca: Stranger Things. Oh, wait. Is that guilty? Maybe That ’70s Show.

PC: Guilty pleasure movie?
Bianca: The Notebook.

PC: Favorite book?
Bianca: The Seat of the Soul.

PC: Favorite play or musical?
Bianca: The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time. I saw that in London. That was one show that I held my breath the entire time. It was that incredible. From the stage directions to the actor to the script to everything about it, so that still stands out for me.

I’m a musical fan—a musical theater freak. I once saw a whole thirteen shows in ten days in London. They were all absolutely mind-blowing, but one that stands out for me was Matilda. That was a while ago. That’s so fun. I don’t know. There are too many. I honestly, I mean, Evita, but I was in it. I know the music backwards and forward.

PC: Who would play you in the story of your life?
Bianca: Margot Robbie.

To keep up with Bianca, follow her on Instagram. Watch The Kissing Booth 1 & 2 on Netflix today.

Photo Credit: Jesse Fine


Kevin is a writer living in New York City. He is an enthusiast with an extensive movie collection, who enjoys attending numerous conventions throughout the year. Say hi on Twitter and Instagram!

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