Exclusive Interview: Pop Culturalist Chats with Survive the Game’s Swen Temmel

Swen Temmel has quickly emerged as one of Hollywood’s most sought-after young actors. He’s starred in projects including The Bay, Hard Kill, Breach, and more.

This fall, he can be seen leading the cast of Survive the Game, working alongside Hollywood legends including Bruce Willis and Chad Michael Murray.

Pop Culturalist was lucky enough to chat with Swen about the film!

PC: Tell us about Survive the Game and your character in the film.
Swen: Survive the Game is a high-action movie from start to finish. There isn’t a dull moment in the film. There are gunfights, fistfights, car crashes, and explosions.

I play Cal, the police partner of Bruce Willis’ character. My character is fed up with the way the bad guys have been dealing with things. I charge headfirst into a situation where I don’t really know what’s happening. It leads to some unexpected twists and turns.

PC: You’ve done it all throughout your career. What was it about this script and character that stood out to you?
Swen: He was a character that I could relate to. I could relate to being frustrated with a situation and coming to a boiling point where you can’t think straight anymore. You get so fed up that you run into the situation. I feel like people can relate to that. That’s what drew me to this character, aside from the cool fight and stunt scenes.

PC: This character is a departure from previous roles that we’ve seen you play. Did that change the preparation?
Swen: Every character has something new and special. For this character, the preparation was definitely different. He had a few more layers than some of the previous characters that I’ve played in action films. There was more to him and his backstory. But I also drew from the characters that I’ve played in the past and certain things that have happened to me in my personal life.

PC: This is a relationship-driven film. What was it like collaborating with Bruce, Chad Michael Murray, and James [Cullen Bressack]?
Swen: James brought so many different layers out of the script that I didn’t even think of. It was so fascinating and interesting. He knew exactly what he wanted. He knew what he wanted to bring to this film. It was a blast collaborating with him to bring this story to life.

Chad Michael Murray is such a kind human being and a very open person. We jumped right into it. We bonded right away because he’s such an open and inviting person to work with. He knows what he’s doing. This isn’t his first rodeo. There was a trust that we developed before we started filming. It was fun working with him. I hope that we get to work together again in the future.

What can I say about Bruce Willis? He’s the main man. He’s our action hero and an idol. There’s never a dull moment when you’re filming with him. It makes for such a fun environment. He is such a warm person and actor. He made me feel like I was really his partner, so it was a blast to work with him on that level.

PC: There are so many great moments within the film. Is there a particular scene that you’re excited for fans to see? Which was the most challenging to film?
Swen: The fight scenes were the most challenging to do because you can’t rush a fistfight. That’s just the way that they’re designed. You’ve got to learn and study them. You’ve got to make sure that the cameras are in the right place at the right time. That was the most challenging aspect.

The scene that I’m very excited for people to see is the one where Chad and I are hunkered behind this barricade as the bad guys are surrounding us. We’ve been running around the farm, shooting and fighting off these guys and girls. It’s the calm before the storm. It was the first time that Chad’s character is really opening up to me and vice versa. It was such a nice moment between the two of us before the frenzy starts.

PC: What do you hope audiences take away after they see it?
Swen: I hope they have fun. I hope they go on this roller coaster ride with us. I hope they take away that no matter how bad things get in life, you just have to persist and work through it.

To keep up with Swen, follow him on Instagram. Survive the Game is available anywhere you stream movies.

Photo Credit: Lionsgate

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Kevin is a writer living in New York City. He is an enthusiast with an extensive movie collection, who enjoys attending numerous conventions throughout the year. Say hi on Twitter and Instagram!

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