Emmy DeOliveira and Seth Carr Talk The Mysterious Benedict Society Season 2

Emmy DeOliveira and Seth Carr

Emmy DeOliveira and Seth Carr are two of the stars of the critically-acclaimed series, The Mysterious Benedict Society.

This season, Reynie, Sticky, Kate, and Constance, the four gifted orphans who were recruited by the eccentric Mr. Benedict, embark on another mission to save the world from the nefarious plans of his twin brother Dr. L.D. Curtain. When the kids discover that Mr. Benedict and Number Two have been kidnapped, they must piece together the riddles and clues within a perilous scavenger hunt set by Mr. Benedict to foil Curtain’s latest scheme. Relying on only their wits, intellect, and empathy, the charming group of misfits embark on a globe-trotting adventure by air, land, sea, and pie truck, calling upon their special skills to solve the mysteries and rescue their lost comrades. Along the way, the kids experience the growing pains that come along with being part of their new “found family,” while remaining true to their unique selves. In the process, they discover what true happiness really means.

Pop Culturalist was lucky enough to talk with Emmy and Seth about Season 2 of The Mysterious Benedict Society.

PC: One of the great things about television as a medium is the opportunity to tell a story over a long, extended period of time. What were you most excited about further exploring with your character in Season 2? What can you tease?
Emmy: The thing that I was most excited about when I came back was expanding what I had already done in the first season. As an actor, I’ve improved a lot since the first season, so I was pretty excited to come back to the role with more skill. I’m going back a little older and a little wiser.

Seth: I would say one of the things I was most excited about is seeing how Sticky changes in the script. I was really hoping to see Sticky have a more significant cadence and hold himself higher. I’m really excited about his arc and whether Sticky changes and what happens if he does. Is giving Sticky more confidence a bad thing? Or is he better at being a more reserved person?

PC: Emmy, this is the longest that you’ve lived with a character. Has anything surprised you about the experience? What’s been your favorite part thus far?
Emmy: My favorite part is all the friends that I’ve made. I love being this character. It’s a lot easier playing a character that you’ve played before. As you said, I’ve never really had a recurring role for this long before. Getting to play a character that I get to sit with for a while is a lot easier to get back into.

PC: Seth, how were you all able to build that bond while filming during a pandemic?
Seth: It was definitely hard for the first season because we had never met each other. This was all new. But gradually through the pandemic and through all the masks and dividers, we actually created this cool connection. It was even better the second season without all of that. We were able to be like, “You’re my friend.”

PC: If you could play another character on the show, who would it be and why?
Emmy: Mr. Curtain. I love a villain. I’ve always loved playing villains. I did musical theater when I was younger. In almost every production, I was the villain.

Seth: Constance! I want to see how it is to have Constance’s dry and dark humor. That’d be fun to play.

Make sure to follow Emmy (Instagram) and Seth (Instagram). Watch The Mysterious Benedict Society on Disney+.

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Kevin is a writer living in New York City. He is an enthusiast with an extensive movie collection, who enjoys attending numerous conventions throughout the year. Say hi on Twitter and Instagram!

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