Milo Ventimiglia

Win Tickets to a NYC Screening of The Art of Racing in the RainWin Tickets to a NYC Screening of The Art of Racing in the Rain

Win Tickets to a NYC Screening of The Art of Racing in the Rain

Pop Culturalist is excited to be partnering with 20th Century Fox to give away tickets to an advance screening of…

6 years ago
Win Tickets to a NYC Screening of Second ActWin Tickets to a NYC Screening of Second Act

Win Tickets to a NYC Screening of Second Act

Pop Culturalist is excited to be partnering with STX Entertainment to give away tickets to an advance screening of Second…

6 years ago
Pop Culturalist Chats with Hannah ZeilePop Culturalist Chats with Hannah Zeile

Pop Culturalist Chats with Hannah Zeile

Hannah Zeile is a name you may not know (yet), but her face is certainly familiar to millions across the…

7 years ago
Our Favorite TV Shows in 2016Our Favorite TV Shows in 2016

Our Favorite TV Shows in 2016

2016 was a banner year for television. Since the advent of streaming services creating their own television shows, tv has…

8 years ago
Gilmore Girls: 5 Things That We Wished Were DifferentGilmore Girls: 5 Things That We Wished Were Different

Gilmore Girls: 5 Things That We Wished Were Different

Gilmore Girls fans rejoiced when Netflix finally aired the eagerly awaited follow-up to the hit television show. Original creators, Amy…

8 years ago
5 Favorite New Fall TV Shows5 Favorite New Fall TV Shows

5 Favorite New Fall TV Shows

This fall season on television has been full of great new shows. From new comedy series to hour-long dramas, 2016…

8 years ago
Why You Should Be Watching This is UsWhy You Should Be Watching This is Us

Why You Should Be Watching This is Us

If you haven’t watched the first two episodes of NBC’s newest emotional family drama, This is Us, what are you…

8 years ago
Man Crush Monday: Milo VentimigiliaMan Crush Monday: Milo Ventimigilia

Man Crush Monday: Milo Ventimigilia

Milo Ventimigilia is coming back to television, everybody! He will be on NBC's new fall show, This is Us as…

8 years ago
Pop Culturalist Attends Heroes & Villains Part DeuxPop Culturalist Attends Heroes & Villains Part Deux

Pop Culturalist Attends Heroes & Villains Part Deux

After having been snowed out halfway through the show back in January, Heroes & Villains Fan Fest returned to New Jersey…

9 years ago
#TBT: Best Gilmore Girls Moments#TBT: Best Gilmore Girls Moments

#TBT: Best Gilmore Girls Moments

Gilmore Girls may have ended nine years ago (#WeAreOld), but enthusiasm for the show has only grown in recent years. That…

9 years ago