Exclusive Interview: Pop Culturalist Chats with The Chi’s Genesis Denise Hale

Genesis Denise Hale

When Genesis Denise Hale joined the cast of The Chi, she never imagined the impact that she and her character Maisha would have on audiences around the world. They’ve inspired young girls to be their most authentic selves and embrace their beauty. It’s an honor and privilege that Genesis doesn’t take lightly, and one that she’s excited to continue as The Chi heads into its fourth season. Pop Culturalist caught up with rising star to learn more about her and the show.

PC: How did you discover your passion for the arts?
Genesis: My mom is an actress and does theater. She always took me with her everywhere she went, so the arts became a part of something that I knew. I was there at rehearsal giving notes. I was at sound check. I was at tech week. I was learning and absorbing everything. That’s where I found my passion.

PC: You’re an actress, poet, emcee, and vocalist. Is there one that you naturally gravitate toward?
Genesis: I think I definitely gravitate more to poetry, but that’s because it’s something that I can do on the spot. Like if I see somebody or a group of people performing, I guarantee you that in the next five to ten minutes, I’m going to be somewhere up there doing something. It’s a natural thing. That’s something that I can do with my eyes closed, but I love all of what I do. I love every single aspect and every single talent, because that makes me who I am, but poetry is something that I can do like that. I would say I gravitate towards it more.

PC: Who or what has had the biggest influence on your career?
Genesis: Oh, wow. I would say my parents. My parents have a huge impact on everything that I do, simply because I learned most of what I have learned from them. They helped me find something that I love to do that I didn’t know I loved to do at first. Every child wants to be a veterinarian or something like that. For me, my parents were like, “All we do is art.” Of course, I was like, “This is something I want to explore.” I came to love it.

PC: You’re also one of the stars of The Chi. Having played Maisha for three seasons, has anything surprised you about her journey?
Genesis: Definitely. I remember in one episode I had to wear my natural hair. At the time, my natural hair was messed up…like it was so bad. I don’t even want to get into it. I was in near tears because I was like, “I don’t want the world to see me like this.” I was still in this mindset of “I am a larger Black girl who also happens to have messed up hair at the moment. People are going to bully me.” I was bullied growing up. I was like, “I can’t go through this again.” The director said to me, “You’re setting an example for these girls.” I had to realize like, “Oh, I’m here because I’m a guide for the people who are watching me. This isn’t about me anymore. It’s about the people who are watching.”

What surprised me is that Maisha has had a bigger impact than I would have ever thought possible. Even today, when I go live on Instagram or when I’m interacting with fans, they’re continuously tell me, “You’re so inspiring to me. You helped me.” That’s the only reason why I continue to do what I do. I don’t care if a million people don’t like me. There’s at least one person who is like, “I’m inspired by this person.”

PC: If the series is picked up for a fourth season, where would you like to see her storyline head?
Genesis: I want to see a transition. I want to see something different. I want to see a transformation for her. She’s broken down so many walls already; I want to see what would happen if she conquered both people’s stereotypical point of view of what a female should look like as well as inspire other girls. I want to see her blossom into the person that she’s supposed to be.

PC: You’re also going to be starring in Candy Man. Is there anything that you can tease about that project?
Genesis: I really enjoyed that shoot. I was met with so much love and so much respect, even though I was only there for a short time, shorter than The Chi, but I loved it so much. I definitely want to explore more movies. I’m excited to see what it comes out to be.

Pop Culturalist Speed Round

PC: Guilty pleasure TV show?
Genesis: Any cooking show.

PC: Guilty pleasure movie?
Genesis: 13 Going on 30.

PC: Favorite book?
Genesis: Rosemary’s Letter Book.

PC: Favorite play or musical?
Genesis: The Lion King.

PC: A band or artist that fans would be surprised to learn is on your playlist?
Genesis: Frank Sinatra.

PC: Who would play you in the story of your life?
Genesis: Gabby Sidibe or Queen Latifah. They are powerful.

To keep up with Genesis, follow her on Twitter and Instagram.

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Kevin is a writer living in New York City. He is an enthusiast with an extensive movie collection, who enjoys attending numerous conventions throughout the year. Say hi on Twitter and Instagram!

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  1. […] isn’t the first person in her family to fall in love with the arts. During an interview with Pop Culturalist, she said, “My mom is an actress and does theater. She always took me with her everywhere she […]

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