Why The Wine Show is a Must-Watch

The Wine Show is Britain’s newest transplant to American televisions. Like previous British imports, The Wine Show has attractive stars to pull women viewers in along with a premise enjoyable enough to keep audiences coming back for more.
In the vein of a travel channel show, The Wine Show takes two wine enthusiasts–British actors Matthew Goode and Matthew Rhys–and a slew of wine experts on a wine-lover’s journey from grape to finished product. The two Matthews are paired with Joe Fattorini and Amelia Singer–both wine experts who travel the world finding fabulous wines.
Here are a few reasons why The Wine Show is a must-watch:
You learn a lot about, you guessed it, wine. There is a lot more to wine than just the taste of it. The Wine Show takes you from the vineyards to the bottling of wine to the festivals and to the kitchens. All the while, it is teaching you facts about wine. Next time, you have a glass of wine, you’ll know all about what you’re drinking.
You also learn about people, places, and history. The Matthews are based in Italy, but Joe and Amelia travel all over. From Arizona to South Africa to Australia, the show traverses the globe. The stories they tell are entertaining and interesting.
You see beautiful landscapes, countries, and cities. You WILL catch the travel bug. I mean, beautiful landscapes of Italy every episode? I want to go there. Cute restaurants in hip cities? Sign me up!
It’s also kind of like a cooking show. Each episode has a chef segment. You get to see the chef’s restaurant (wherever it may be around the world), and you see the chef preparing one particular dish to pair with one particular wine. Your mouth will be watering by the end.
The Matthews. Aside from seeing them on The Wine Show, you may be familiar with Matthew Goode in any of these wonderful things: Downton Abbey (the last season as Henry Talbot), The Imitation Game, or, my favorite, Leap Year; you might have seen Matthew Rhys in The Americans or Death Comes to Pemberley (hello, he’s DARCY). If you still don’t know who either of these guys are, then what are you waiting for? Both men are British (accents!), they’re pretty darn funny together, they are charming, and they clearly enjoy their wine.

So, what are you waiting for? Turn on Hulu, pour yourself a bottle of wine, and settle in for a very engaging television series!
Photo Credit: Hulu/ITV
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