lauren graham

Lauren Graham and Josh Duhamel Talk Mighty Duck: Game Changers Season 2

Lauren Graham and Josh Duhamel are two of the stars of The Mighty Ducks: Game Changers. After winning back the…

2 years ago

Book Review: Windfall by Jennifer E. Smith

If you won the lottery, what would you do? Jennifer E. Smith dives into that question—among many other big life…

8 years ago

5 Celebrity Memoirs You Should Read

Celebrity memoirs will always fascinate people. With the promise of juicy gossip or unknown personal stories (or, hopefully, both!), they can…

8 years ago

Gilmore Girls: 5 Things That We Wished Were Different

Gilmore Girls fans rejoiced when Netflix finally aired the eagerly awaited follow-up to the hit television show. Original creators, Amy…

8 years ago

#TBT: Best Gilmore Girls Moments

Gilmore Girls may have ended nine years ago (#WeAreOld), but enthusiasm for the show has only grown in recent years. That…

9 years ago

#TBT: 9 Favorite Female TV Characters

For our last #TBT in this month of strong women, we’re rounding up our favorite badass female characters from nine stupendous…

9 years ago