Pop Culturalist Chats with Monty Geer

Monty Geer is one of Hollywood’s hottest rising stars. He’s best known for his role as Cole, the outspoken young man with no filter on MTV’s Awkward. He can be seen next in The Adventures of Sam Wolf, a film which he stars as a blind man. We were lucky enough to chat with him about Awkward., his philosophy on life, and his upcoming projects.
Awkward. Questions
PC: You’ve said in the past that you love the creative freedom you have with your character. What’s the craziest unscripted thing you’ve done on screen?
Monty: I twerked hard on a bear statue in our “Snow Jobs” episode…but for some reason MTV removed that from the episode. They probably didn’t want to offend any bear viewers.
PC: What drew you to this role?
Monty: There was nothing PC about him. I could say anything offensive and it was all part of his character. Cole will never care what anyone thinks of him. He also gets to wear the craziest outfits ;).
PC: Describe Cole in 5 words.
Monty: Tazmanian Devil with chainsaw arms.
PC: Do you and your character share any similarities?
Monty: We both have an outrageous sense of humor. I say very dark jokes to my friends just to see their reaction. It gets me in trouble a lot when people are starting to get to know me, but oh well.
PC: If you could play another character on the show—who would it be?
Monty: Matty. Just so between scenes I can go to my trailer and stare at my face as I rub lotion on my abs.
PC: Your character is quite mischievous, are you like that off-screen? Are there any funny pranks you can tell us about?
Monty: I love pranks. This week I set up a hammock between two trees on my first-floor balcony, and late at night I hide in it then pop up and scare strangers who walk by…I’m a great neighbor.
PC: Where do you hope we see Cole at the end of Awkward.?
Monty: Leading an anti-hipster hoverboard gang. Or at least getting ready for his spinoff series.
Career Questions
PC: Are there any upcoming projects that you’re particularly excited about?
Monty: I’m starting to create a lot of my own content on Instagram; @MontyGeer. A lot of TV’s comedies bore me and I’m going to basically start my own TV show online.
PC: You’re an actor, writer, and comedian—which is your favorite?
Monty: I love to write and act in my own things, hence the Instagram sketches. My biggest dream would be to do something like It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia where I can play a crazy character that I created.
PC: We love your philosophy about choosing roles/projects that scare you—can you talk a bit about that?
Monty: I think it’s very important to do things that scare you, whether it’s acting or in life. I scuba dive, fly planes, skydive, and it’s all terrifying. I’m not trying to be fearless, just comfortable being uncomfortable. When you get out of your comfort zone and take a risk on something, that’s when you truly grow in life. If you’re scared and waiting for opportunities to fall in your lap then that means you’ll forever be sitting down.
PC: Do you have a dream role?
Monty: I’d love to be like Richard Branson with acting. Where I’m doing my own show, but on my hiatus flying across the Atlantic on a hot air balloon.
Pop Culturalist Speed Round
PC: Guilty pleasure movie & television show?
Monty: I love watching old Abbott and Costello movies. I don’t feel guilty for that…STOP JUDGING ME INTERNET, I’M STILL COOL!!!
PC: An artist or band that people would be surprised to find on your playlist?
Monty: Miley Cyrus and Tech N9ne, back to back.
PC: Favorite play or musical?
Monty: Book of Mormon!
PC: Favorite book?
Monty: Of Mormon! JK, Ready Player One by Ernest Cline.
PC: Favorite social media platform?
Monty: Instagram @MontyGeer
If you’ve fallen in love with Monty like we have, make sure to follow Monty on Instagram and Twitter.
Photo Credit: Adam Hendershott/The Headshot Truck
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[…] you’ve been following the blog, you know we had a wonderful time chatting with Monty Geer. During the interview, he told us he LOVES creating original content: “I’m starting to […]