
Pop Culturalist Chats with Impulse’s Craig Arnold

Craig Arnold is delivering one of the best performances on television today. He’s currently starring in the YouTube Premium series, Impulse, in which he plays Lucas Boone, a character who undergoes quite the transformation throughout the show’s first season. It’s a testament to Craig’s ability to bring to life the many layers of his character. Pop Culturalist spoke with Craig about Impulse, how his character is unlike any he’s played before, and his hopes for season two.

PC: Tell us about Impulse, your character, and what drew you to this project.
Craig: Impulse is a story about a sixteen-year-old girl named Henrietta Cole who lives in a small town called Reston, NY. She discovers she has the power of teleportation after she’s sexually assaulted.

I play a character named Lucas Boone, the oldest son in the Boone family. At first, he comes across as a shady, dark guy, but as you get to know him, you see he really has a heart and is actually quite sensitive underneath his exterior.

What drew me to this project is that it checked every single box that I could have ever wanted. It has an amazing team: director, writer, showrunner, and cast. Every single person involved is top notch and incredible to work with. The scripts were amazing and this character is unlike anything I’ve ever done before. He’s so well thought out and deep. It was an honor to get to play him.

PC: At the start of the season, it seems like your character’s actions are motivated by this longing for acceptance from his family, but as the season unfolds, Lucas comes to the realization that they may not be who he thought they were. How early on did you learn where your character’s story arc was heading and how did you prepare?
Craig: It was around the fifth episode when I started to see that Lucas was going to break apart from his family. There had clearly been a lot of tension building between him and his dad throughout his life. He finally came to the point where he realized that trying to get his dad’s approval and affection again and again wasn’t working. No matter what he did, he would never get that feeling of unconditional love and support that he longed for.

In terms of the preparation, we were really lucky to have Lauren LeFranc as our showrunner. She was really hands on with us. We had a lot of conversations and she created this open dialogue for questions. She also gave me the complete rundown of what Lucas was going through, which really helped and got me ready.

PC: With so many different shades to Lucas, which was your favorite to explore and why?
Craig: His sensitivity because I didn’t even know that was going to be there. When we first started shooting the series, we got one script at a time for each episode, roughly every two weeks, so I got to see him develop as we were shooting the show. I found it interesting that this guy who I thought in the first episode was this tough goon actually turn out to really have a heart. There’s a lot going on beneath the exterior.

PC: There’s this unexpected relationship that builds between Lucas and Cleo. Can you talk about that dynamic and how you and Missi Prye approached that bond?
Craig: We see in the fifth episode that Lucas goes to his mom’s house to try to find some form of motherly love from her, but she’s incredibly cold towards him and clearly doesn’t want him to be there. Cleo, to me, seems like one of the only women that he comes in contact with that shows him any kind of love, support, and positive attention. He’s been through so much and lived in this testosterone-filled, militant family with his dad and brother.

Photo Credit: YouTube

PC: How similar would you say you are to your character?
Craig: I don’t think I would have gone as far as he did. [laughs] I do feel like we’re similar in terms of how much we care for our families and the people around us. I have that in common with him. I also relate to his sensitivity, too…but yeah, I would say that I’m not that much like him. [laughs]

PC: Season one lays the groundwork for who these characters are and how they’re all connected. What are you the most excited to explore next season?
Craig: It was left so open-ended that I have no idea what direction we’ll go in. I would really love to see Lucas team up with Henry, Townes, and Jenna. I’m really not sure if that’ll happen but I think that would be a lot of fun.

PC: Do you think there’s any hope for Clay and Lucas to reconcile after everything he’s done?
Craig: They’re brothers, they’re close in age, and they’ve spent their entire lives together, so I would hope they reconcile. I think it’ll be incredibly hard, though. I think Lucas could come around but it will be a really hard, long road, plus Clay will have to take responsibility for what he did.

PC: Besides your own character, is there another one that you resonated with you?
Craig: One of my favorite things about this show is how well thought out each character is. I think like most people who watch this show, I really love Henry. She has such an insane journey after she learns she has the power to teleport.

PC: Besides Impulse, do you have any other upcoming projects that you can chat about?
Craig: Yeah! I finished shooting a movie called Stranded a few months ago, which should be coming out later this year. I’m very excited about that! It’s a horror movie about a guy and some college friends who go on a snowboarding trip in Massachusetts and along the way up to it, they get lost in the woods. I got to work with a great director, Jordan Barker, amazing actors, and a fantastic crew.

Pop Culturalist Speed Round

PC: Guilty pleasure TV show?
Craig: Queer Eye

PC: Guilty pleasure movie?
Craig: Wedding Crashers

PC: Favorite book?
Craig: A House in the Sky

PC: Favorite play or musical?
Craig: The Rocky Picture Horror Show

PC: A band or artist that fans would be surprised to learn is on your playlist?
Craig: Ariana Grande [laughs]

PC: A place you’d like to teleport to?
Craig: Oh my gosh. Is everywhere an option? Columbia! That’s the next country I want to go to.

PC: Last show you binge-watched?
Craig: This is Us. I love it!

PC: Hidden talent?
Craig: I get lost very easily. [laugh] I walk into a coffee shop and come out completely disoriented. I’m not sure it’s a talent but it’s pretty amazing.

Make sure to follow Craig on Twitter and Instagram, and check out season one of Impulse on YouTube Premium today!

Photo Credit: Denise Grant


Kevin is a writer living in New York City. He is an enthusiast with an extensive movie collection, who enjoys attending numerous conventions throughout the year. Say hi on Twitter and Instagram!

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