Growing up is hard, and when you’re done (if you’re ever really done growing up), you’re a newer, wiser person. If you’re lucky, you have great friends to go through all the ups and downs with you. If you’re even luckier, they’re friends of yours as adults, too. So, on this #TBT, here is a round-up of some of my favorite movies/books about friends who grew up together. Now & Then was released the year I entered middle school. Needless to say, it spoke to my friends and I. The story

Episode 2 “The Mao Function” When Liza gets back to the apartment after her quickie with Josh, Caitlin is waiting for her. Liza comes clean about dating Josh, but fails to mention that she’s posing as a 26 year old at work. Caitlin determines that her mom is going through a midlife crisis, just like Caitlin’s dad did. So, she decides that she should live with her dad in New Jersey and work for him while Liza figures her life out (and, I guess, before Caitlin heads back to college).

Season 20 | Episode Two We’ve made it through the awkward limo exits and intros, and for that, you should pat yourself on the back after that episode of crazy. Episode two is when Ben starts going on the dates. We have two group dates and one one-on-one date. So let’s recap! Hot for teacher The date card is delivered and it’s addressed to Jennifer, Jackie, LB, Lauren H., Amber, Becca, Mandi, JoJo, Jubilee, and Lace. It reads, “Let’s learn how to love.” But Lace hears none of that and thinks

Younger is back! All you Josh and Liza fans can finally see what happens after the big 4-0 reveal. We start season 2 with a lesson in puncuation. Here’s a quick recap of episode 1 with a few highlights. Episode 1 “Tattoo You” Appropriately, our first glimpse of Liza is 40 year old Liza. She’s not wearing make-up and holding a “Welcome Home” sign for Caitlin (with Maggie in tow, looking hip…and kind of like John Cusack from Say Anything). Liza is nervous about Caitlin’s reaction to Liza’s new life

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