Exclusive Interview: Sofia Hasmik Talks Superman & Lois, Chrissy’s Journey, and More
![Sofia Hasmik](http://pop-culturalist.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/sofia-hasmik-superman-and-lois-pop-culturalist-1024x579.jpg)
Sofia Hasmik is an award-winning storyteller who is quickly making her mark on the industry. Previous projects include Bad Samaritan, Mad About You, and All the Bright Places. But she’s best known for her breakout role as Chrissy Beppo in Superman & Lois.
After years of facing megalomaniacal supervillains, the world’s most famous superhero, and comic books’ most famous journalist come face to face with one of their greatest challenges ever—being working parents in today’s society. Sofia shines as Chrissy, a writer at the Gazette, who will stop at nothing until the full story is told.
Pop Culturalist was lucky enough to speak with Sofia about her journey from a figure skater to storyteller, Superman & Lois, and more.
PC: How did you discover your passion for storytelling?
Sofia: It started on the ice. I used to figure skate. I did it for such a long time, around thirteen years. One of my last years figure skating, I did Theatre On Ice. It all clicked for me right then and there. I was like, “I love this part of figure skating—the storytelling, movement, and music.” That very quickly led me to try acting on a whim in high school. I’ve been hooked ever since.
PC: What is the biggest lesson that you learned as a competitive figure skater that you’ve now been able to apply to your career as an actress?
Sofia: That’s a great question. I would say a lot of discipline. You have coaches. You do a lot of training and conditioning to get strength for the ice. Everything helps everything else. But I do think that I’ve brought that discipline and determination to this career, even when it feels like it’s an uphill battle. It’s one worth fighting for.
PC: Who or what has had the biggest influence on your career?
Sofia: I would say that the biggest influence personally in my life, a person who’s really close to me and so dear to my heart, is my brother. We’re very, very close. We’re about two and a half years apart in age. He has taught me so many life lessons and continues to teach me so many life lessons. One of which is being present and focusing on what is happening now and being in the moment rather than worrying about what life is going to bring you tomorrow.
PC: You’ve had so much success already in your young career. When you look back, is there a particular moment that stands out?
Sofia: That’s a great question. I don’t know if there’s one particular moment. I would say that I get the same amount of excitement that I did five years ago, ten years ago, when I’m working on something, whether it be in a class or on set. That really excites me. I still get really giddy. I still run around in circles. I feel like every moment is just as exciting as the last.
PC: Superman & Lois is airing now. This is the longest that you’ve lived with a character. Has anything surprised you about the experience? What’s been the biggest takeaway so far?
Sofia: Being given the privilege to play Chrissy for three seasons has been such an incredible experience. It’s allowed me to grow with her as her character grows and develops. As we discover new things about her, I feel like I discover new things about myself. That really speaks to how incredible our showrunners are and how incredible our writers are. It makes everything feel real, which makes my job so easy.
PC: This is an original character that you’re bringing to life on the screen. What are some of the advantages and disadvantages that present you as a storyteller?
Sofia: It’s such a blank slate. I was like, “Let’s explore! Let’s see how far we can go. What is she about?” That’s been so much fun. There’s this freedom and a big canvas to paint on. But I will say that there are moments when I’m like, “A blueprint would also be fun.” But it’s so much fun to play this brand new character and develop her how I see her and let her grow that way.
PC: Chrissy is a character who works tirelessly until she feels like the whole story has been told. Have you been able to draw any parallels between your respective journeys? How have you created the space for yourself to dive into that arc?
Sofia: It’s really funny. Because so much of my life I was involved with a lot of training, whether it be athletics or in acting, I know what it feels like to make sure that every detail is checked off. It’s this double-edged sword. You can work and work and work and work and never feel like it’s quite there. But you need to allow it to be a little bit more fluid and leave space for the human experience as well. She’s such a determined character. She’s very, very, very nonstop. I feel like there is a bit of a parallel with me as well, like when I’m working on a character or working on Chrissy. I’m always like, “What drives her?” You can dive so, so deep into that and pull out the motivation that makes her who she is.
PC: What’s been your favorite scene to film? Which has been the most challenging?
Sofia: I have to say my favorite scene is in last year’s season finale where Lois tells Chrissy that Clark Kent is Superman. It was such a genuine reaction. I felt so full of emotions. I teared up when I read the script when it was sent to us. That was definitely my favorite scene to film.
I would say that probably one of my more difficult scenes to film was any of the scenes last season, especially when Lois and Chrissy had a lot of tension and when they were developing their boundaries as partners and what they expect of each other. Chrissy stands up to her idol. It was a big step forward for Chrissy in establishing herself in the professional world.
PC: We know that you can say too much, but what can you tease about Chrissy’s arc in Season 3?
Sofia: There’s so much that happens in Season 3. You’re going to see Chrissy in a whole new light that we’ve not experienced before. This season is an invitation for everybody to take a peek into who Chrissy is and how she acts outside of the Gazette and what that looks like in a small town.
PC: You’re such a dynamic storyteller. Outside of Superman & Lois, do you have a dream role that you’d love to bring to life on the screen?
Sofia: I love this question. I would love to do a period piece. I’m not positive what period, but I’d love to immerse myself in a different time and space and live in that for a while. That would be so much fun.
To keep up with Sofia, follow her on Instagram. Watch Superman & Lois every Tuesday at 8/7c on the CW.
Photo Credit: Noah Asanias
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