Exclusive Interview: Pop Culturalist Chats with The Syndicate’s Liberty Hobbs

Liberty Hobbs

British-American actress Liberty Hobbs is making a name for herself on the small screen. You may have seen her on the fan-favorite and long-running shows Grey’s Anatomy and Criminal Minds, or on the delightful show Ryan Hansen Solves Crimes on Television. And, now, you’ll be able to catch her making her debut on the BBC in The Syndicate.

We chatted with Liberty about her start in the business, her experience filming The Syndicate, and the multilayers of her character, Gemma.


PC: How did you discover your passion for arts?
Liberty: I’ve been performing ever since I can remember. I came out of the womb singing and dancing around, so it’s always been a part of me. I grew up doing theater and started training to act in film and television when I was about fourteen. It’s something that I have known my whole life—this is what I want to do.

PC: Who or what has had the biggest influence on your career?
Liberty: That’s a hard question because I have so many influences. One of the biggest is my grandma, who passed away from cancer when I was eleven. She was a dancer, and after she died, we found some letters that she received when she was young, offering her a contract in New York to dance for a company. It turned out that she turned it down because she didn’t want to be away from her family in England. I don’t know if she ever regretted that decision or not, but I just want to perform for her now because she didn’t get the chance to.

PC: In addition to being an actress, you’re also a singer and dancer. How have those art forms made you a stronger actress and vice versa?
Liberty: They all go hand-in-hand. Training in each area has made me a stronger performer. I am really grateful for that. I love the creativity of it all, and anytime I can be on the stage, I’m at my strongest.

The Syndicate

PC: You’re joining the cast of The Syndicate. What should audiences know about your character? What can they expect this season?
Liberty: I play Gemma, who is a twenty-two-year-old worker at a dog kennel. She is this kind, sweet, bubbly girl who lives with her grandma and has an undying love for headbands! She is always putting other’s needs before her own, and as the series continues, we see that, at her core, she is this extremely hurt girl who has a lot of anger she needs to deal with. Fans of the show can expect a lot of drama this season, but it wouldn’t be a Kay Mellor show without a sprinkle of comedy, so I hope everyone enjoys it!

PC: How similar or different are you to Gemma? How did you prepare to tackle her arc this season?
Liberty: Gemma and I have a lot in common! Actually, when I originally auditioned for the show, it said Gemma was twenty-two, and I was twenty-two at the time. Gemma loves dogs, and I am a huge dog lover, so we had that in common as well. The breakdown said that Gemma was from Hull, and I’m originally from Withernsea near Hull, so I knew that I had the accent down! It also said Gemma lived with her grandmother, and I actually moved home when I was eleven to take care of my own, so there were a lot of similarities between our lives that really drew me to her story before I had even read the script.

Even though we had a lot of characteristics in common, I knew there was a lot about her story that I had never personally experienced, so I worked on finding an emotional connection to how she would be feeling at those times in order to portray the story, and hopefully, that shows.

PC: This is your first role as a series regular. Did anything surprise you about the experience? What was the biggest takeaway?
Liberty: I absolutely loved this experience. I wish I could go back and keep reliving it, because I just had the absolute time of my life with that cast and crew. I truly learned so much on set, and I think, honestly, my biggest takeaway is that it just cemented the feeling that this is what I want to do with my life, and that I’m at my happiest when I am creating with like-minded people.

Pop Culturalist Speed Round

PC: Guilty pleasure TV show?
Liberty: It’s hard to pick just one, but I’m obsessed with Riverdale right now!

PC: Guilty pleasure movie?
Liberty: I definitely can’t pick just one—any of the Harry Potter movies, The Greatest Showman, or Pitch Perfect!

PC: Favorite book?
Liberty: I’m not a huge reader, but put any script in front of me and I’ll read it in one night. I loved Nancy Drew and the Secret of the Old Clock as a kid.

PC: Favorite play or musical?
Liberty: Hairspray (Tracy is my dream role!).

PC: A band or artist that fans would be surprised to learn is on your playlist?
Liberty: Probably not a surprise, but all of the Pitch Perfect albums, and you best believe I know every word!

PC: Who would play you in the story of your life?
Liberty: I’ve loved Nicola Coughlan since her Derry Girl days, so I’d have to say her!

To keep up with Liberty, follow her on Twitter and Instagram. The Syndicate will be coming to BBC in the UK later this month and Britbox in the US later this year.

Photo Credit: Joseph Sinclair

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Kevin is a writer living in New York City. He is an enthusiast with an extensive movie collection, who enjoys attending numerous conventions throughout the year. Say hi on Twitter and Instagram!

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