Exclusive Interview: Pop Culturalist Chats with The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina’s Gavin Leatherwood

Gavin Leatherwood has cast a spell on audiences with his breakthrough performance as Nicholas Scratch on The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina. His character is the brooding warlock who’s more than willing to help our favorite half-witch embrace her dark side. Pop Culturalist spoke with Gavin in between filming for season two to learn more about his background, what initially attracted him to this project, and what’s ahead for Sabrina and Nicholas.
The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina Questions
PC: What attracted you to The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina?
Gavin: I initially auditioned for Harvey back when they were casting for that role. I had a friend who was also auditioning for Sabrina, so I got wind of the project pretty early on and was totally intrigued by it. Once I heard about the darker adaptation, I was all in.
PC: Nick is a new character that was created for the television series. Was that an advantage or disadvantage for you as an actor?
Gavin: For me, it was an advantage. Sometimes when actors are playing roles that have been out there, it becomes a challenge to honor the original character while making it your own, but I was able to let my imagination run free. I got to decide, within the parameters of the writing, who Nicholas was; it was such a fun thing to do. It’s a lot of work, but it’s so worth it.
PC: Did you feel any pressure, as an actor, signing onto this project, given how successful the original was and how much hype there was surrounding this particular show?
Gavin: I didn’t feel pressure; it was more excitement. I had a good feeling about this show, even the first time I auditioned for Harvey. I was like, “This show is going to be something.” As things moved along, the excitement kept growing and growing. I’m enjoying the hell out of it.
PC: Nicholas is a new addition, but that hasn’t stopped fans from speculating on his past and background. What’s the craziest thing you’ve read about your character?
Gavin: It’s been so fun to see all the characters’ progression. If I told you, I’d be spoiling all the fun, but I will say there are some cool, interesting, dark elements that exist in Nicholas’ past. It’s really fun to continuously see it all unfold with each new script we get.
PC: In the season finale, Sabrina finally signs the Book of the Beast. How will that impact her relationship with Nicholas heading to season two?
Gavin: Considering that she’s continuing on her path into this witchy world, one that Nick is privy to, I think it lends our characters to come together. My character can aid her as her knowledge and powers grow.
PC: Throughout the season, Sabrina and Nick are learning from each other. What’s been the biggest thing that Nick has learned from Sabrina and vice versa?
Gavin: Love: Nick is learning what love is. It’s something he’s never known and he sees how much Harvey and Sabrina have given of themselves to each other. It’s such a new thing to him that it draws his curiosity and intrigue, so he gets to learn about it through Sabrina. Then for Sabrina, I think she’s learning how to embrace her power and her gifts through Nick.
PC: As you head into season two, is there a character or an actor you would like to have more scenes with?
Gavin: It’s so much fun working with everyone. Honestly, as far as characters go, I love Michelle Gomez’s character, Madam Satan/Miss Wardwell and I just love her work, as well. I could see some cool scenes between them. Also, Father Blackwood, played by Richard Coyle, is fantastic. Richard is such a blast to work with, too. We call them the adults and we’re all the kids on the show, but working with the adults is so rewarding because we get to see how they prepare and how hard they work. It’s inspiring and I’ll take any excuse to work with them.
PC: We know you’re a sucker for a good love triangle. Are you Team Nicholas or Team Harvey?
Gavin: Nick is Team Nick. Gavin might be a bit Team Harvey. I mean, they’re OG lovers and they have this really beautiful bond and foundation. I think Nick is good for Sabrina in the fact that they’re both in the same world, so they can understand each other in that way, but there’s something so pure about Harvey and Sabrina. I’m really split on it. I stay up late at night and let it bother me sometimes. I think I’m 60/40 split on Team Harvey.
PC: This is your first role as a series regular. What’s the most surprising part about this experience?
Gavin: I’m pretty new to all this and I’m learning so much just by being a part of it. It’s a completely different way of working from being an actor who is on the audition scene. I was reading plays and in class every day, constantly, busting my butt to land a role.
The biggest thing that I’ve learned is that your work ethic and discipline stay the same. You continue to bust your butt for the role, but you get to settle into developing a character and go on this lovely, long journey with them. You’re discovering who they are as the scripts come out, so there’s something new each script has to offer as the story continues to unfold. It’s a neat process that I haven’t quite experienced with this consistent type of work. I’m really enjoying it and I have this insatiable desire to keep working.
Career Questions
PC: Do you remember the moment when you discovered your passion for acting?
Gavin: There have been so many little moments. I grew up in theatre, so I was around it a lot. My first professional, paid job, was when I was six-years-old, performing in Arthur Miller’s All My Sons at La Mirada Theatre, which is on the border of L.A. County and Orange County. There was something so magical about playing with these adults who were just as into playing with you. They would go to this imaginary place and take it so seriously.
PC: What has the transition been like from theatre to the screen?
Gavin: It’s super different. Theatre has this adrenaline-pumping thing where you go onstage and it’s all live; it happens right then and there. With TV, you get a lot of shots. It’s not like a one-and-done, which is nice for the purpose of being able to make a mistake and not feel all the pressure, but coming from a theatre background taught me to always be present and in the moment throughout each take. You have to bring that presence with you as well. I’m really grateful that I came from theatre.
PC: What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned being a part of this industry?
Gavin: There’s a book called The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. It’s about personal growth, and it aids nicely to this. I would say the biggest lesson is to never take anything personally. As actors, we’re sensitive and we take a lot of things personally. Once I stopped doing that, a lot of mind space freed up for me and I was able to focus and continue going on this path.
Gavin Answers the Web’s Most Searched Questions
PC: What’s your date of birth?
Gavin: My birthday’s June 7, 1994.
PC: Ethnicity?
Gavin: I’m a mutt, man. I’m Irish, English, Welsh, Spanish, Native American, and a mix of other European countries, I think there’s some Greek in there, but mostly Irish.
PC: Background?
Gavin: Oh! Theatre.
Pop Culturalist Speed Round
PC: Guilty pleasure TV show?
Gavin: Big Mouth
PC: Guilty pleasure movie?
Gavin: The Notebook
PC: Favorite book?
Gavin: A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle
PC: Favorite play or musical?
Gavin: Peter Pan
PC: A band or artist that fans would be surprised to learn is on your playlist?
Gavin: I don’t know if they’d be surprised, but Gregory Alan Isakov is my man. He’s who I go to all the time.
PC: Last show you binge-watched?
Gavin: Stranger Things
PC: Hidden talent?
Gavin: I can do some tumbling, like flips and stuff.
Make sure to follow Gavin on Twitter and Instagram, and binge-watch season one of The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina on Netflix today.
[…] Leatherwood auditioned for the role of Harvey before it went to Lynch. Leatherwood was instead cast as Nicholas, a […]
[…] He was born in Maui, and was raised in California, later moving to Oregon. Gavin has said: […]