Exclusive Interview: Pop Culturalist Chats with The Big Show Show’s Allison Munn

Allison Munn

Actress Allison Munn needs no introduction—for over two decades, she’s brought some of our favorite characters to life in projects including What I Like About You, That ’70s Show, Ricky, Nicky, Dicky, & Dawn, One Tree Hill, and dozens more. She’ll next be seen in her biggest role to date (literally), starring opposite Paul Wright a.k.a. Big Show in Netflix’s The Big Show Show. Pop Culturalist spoke with Allison ahead of the release.


PC: How did you discover your passion for acting?
Allison: I played a cow in my first grade production of The Ugly Duckling and the rest was history. I still remember my one line. I don’t like to brag, but I was an excellent cow.

PC: Who or what has had the biggest influence on your career?
Allison: I get inspired and influenced by everything—teachers, friends, other actors, books I’m reading, my kids…you name it. I also often get inspired by past characters I’ve played—one that comes to mind is Luisa in the off-Broadway production of The Fantasticks. I did that show for over five hundred performances, so I really got to dig in deep and explore every inch of that role. I learned a lot about comedic timing during my time playing Luisa that I still use to this day.

PC: You’ve had a lot of success in your career. When you look back, is there a particular moment that stands out?
Allison: I’ve had a lot of memorable moments over the years, but one that stands out is working with my husband, Scott Holroyd, on One Tree Hill. We only had one scene together, but it was so much fun to shoot. In the scene, my character (Lauren) reveals she’s pregnant and that Scott’s character (David) is the father. In real life, I was hugely pregnant with our son, Nate. I can’t wait to show that scene to him one day.

PC: What’s one thing you know now that you wish you knew when you started your career?
Allison: I wish I would’ve been able to enjoy the downtime in between jobs instead of being afraid of it.

The Big Show Show

PC: Tell us about your new series The Big Show Show, your character, and what drew you to the project.
Allison: The Big Show Show is a fun (and funny!) family sitcom that will debut on April 6 on Netflix. I play Cassy Wight. She’s a go-getter real estate agent, the wife of WWE superstar Big Show, and a loving mother to their two daughters and one stepdaughter. The series begins when Big Show’s teenage daughter from a prior marriage comes to live with him, his wife Cassy (me!), and their two daughters. The seven-foot-tall, four-hundred-pound wrestling star quickly becomes outnumbered and outsmarted in this house full of women.

I was drawn to this project by reading the hilarious and well-written pilot episode. The show’s creators, Josh Bycel and Jason Berger, have written a funny, smart, and relatable family comedy, which is rare these days. I’m excited for everyone to see it.

PC: The Big Show Show is filmed in front of a live audience. What is the preparation/process like for each episode? How does it change the experience for the actors?
Allison: Well, this format (multi-camera sitcom with a live audience) determines the entire process of shooting the episode. We do one episode a week, with an audience show on Friday nights. We rehearse all week and do run-thrus for the producers and Netflix at the end of every rehearsal day. On Friday—we arrive early to block for the cameras and then it’s showtime. It’s like putting on a play every week—the pressure is high, but it’s exhilarating.

PC: You’ve teased in previous interviews that the show picks up with Big Show’s retirement. How does that change life for Cassy and the dynamic between the two?
Allison: Yes—when the show picks up, Big Show has just retired from wrestling and his stepdaughter has moved in, so Cassy is dealing with a lot of change in her household. Now that her husband is back home, he can help share the parenting duties so that Cassy can focus on her real estate career and chase her dreams of seeing her face on a bus bench.

PC: With the series dropping in the spring, what do you hope audiences take away?
Allison: I hope that families will sit down and watch The Big Show Show together—it’s a really sweet and funny family sitcom that will appeal to everyone. It has a lot of super funny jokes for the parents that will sail right over the kids’ heads and fun storylines for the kids as well. We also have some really exciting guest stars that I can’t name yet. I can’t wait to hear what everyone thinks.

Allison Munn

Pop Culturalist Speed Round

PC: Guilty pleasure TV show?
Allison: The Bachelor/The Bachelorette

PC: Guilty pleasure movie?
Allison: Top Gun

PC: Favorite book?
Allison: Olive Kitteridge by Elizabeth Strout

PC: Favorite play or musical?
Allison: I have so many but Hamilton wins.

PC: A band or artist that fans would be surprised to learn is on your playlist?
Allison: Dolly Parton. I’m not a huge fan of country music, but Dolly is a genius who transcends musical genres.

PC: Who would play you in the story of your life?
Allison: I hope it would be me. I’m a dead ringer for Allison Munn. [laughs]

To keep up with Allison, follow her on Twitter and Instagram. Catch The Big Show Show on Netflix on April 6.

Photo Credit: Ryan West Photos


Kevin is a writer living in New York City. He is an enthusiast with an extensive movie collection, who enjoys attending numerous conventions throughout the year. Say hi on Twitter and Instagram!

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