Exclusive Interview: Pop Culturalist Chats with Rusty Camel’s Bubba Ganter

Bubba Ganter grew up on the football field, but an injury cut this time short. At a crossroads, he made the decision to transition into entertainment. For over three decades, Bubba has shaken up the industry with projects such as TMI Hollywood, Donna on the Go, and Game Shakers.
This spring, he joined the cast of the hilarious web series, Rusty Camel, which follows a dysfunctional film production company struggling to build their business.
Pop Culturalist caught up with Bubba to chat about his career and Rusty Camel.
PC: You’re an actor, director, producer, and writer. How did you discover your passion for the arts?
Bubba: It started when I was a kid. I’m a ’70s baby and that’s when Star Wars came out. I had the little action figures and I would sit and create different scenarios with my figurines that had nothing to do with Star Wars. That’s when I realized I was creative and that I’ve always been an entertainer.
PC: You have an athletic background, too. How has that made you a stronger creative?
Bubba: Athletics create teamwork and discipline. I do a lot of my own stunts, so the physicality helps a lot; I know how to fall and do stuff like that. When you’re on a show, it’s about working together and having chemistry. I believe it plays a lot into that as well—having chemistry with other people and be a team player.
PC: Who or what has had the biggest influence on your career?
Bubba: That’s a good question. I will say Dan Schneider who has created all of Nickelodeon’s top shows. I was able to sit under him and watch how he does things. Before that, Terry Crews gave me some great pearls when I was younger. We did a film together called Middle Men.
Probably one of the best influences was Giovanni Ribisi. It wasn’t so much advice, but just watching him and working together. Plus, after we were done with the movie, I got to hang out with him at the Oscars.
PC: You’ve had a lot of success in your career. When you look back, is there a particular moment that stands out?
Bubba: I would say working with Forest [Whitaker] on Our Family Wedding. I wasn’t having a great day on set; I felt like another number. He put his arms around me. We just finished the shot and he was like, “Come on. Let’s go to Video Village.” So, we did.
We went to see our take and he put his arm around me and said, “That looks good.” Because I felt bad because I had to throw him. I was like, “Oh my God. This is Forest Whitaker. I ain’t supposed to hurt him.” He said, “No. Do what you got to do!”
Rusty Camel
PC: Tell us how you got involved with Rusty Camel.
Bubba: Brandon [Stewart] gave me a call. He asked if I would be interested in doing some of his projects, so I was like, “Of course.” We met because he was directing and I was doing a sketch with a young Nickelodeon actor, who he was directing and filming. We did that and that’s how we met!
Eight months after that first project is when he asked me. It was good and I was looking for something to do. When I read it, I thought it was funny. My role wasn’t that big at first, but as we started going, it grew. It’s been a great time and the actors are all great. We’re like a family; it felt like we’ve known each other for years when we were on set.
PC: What should audiences know about Darrell? What can you tease about his arc this season?
Bubba: Darrell is under-appreciated. Throughout the series, nobody knows me. They call me Darnel. [laughs] You’ll see us on social media and the running joke is my name is Darnel. Scooter, played by Daniel O’Reilly, is always calling me Darnel or something different with the letter D. So, my character gets frustrated. He’s like, “I’m 6’3”. I’m 380 pounds. How can you not see me?”
The first episode I talk about being a ninja and that’s the play on it. They’ll be doing something and I’m not there. As soon as they look up, I’m standing there and then I disappear. Darrell is a fun-loving guy, and he knows everything that’s going on.
When they’re talking about something happening, I’m like, “Yeah, I know that.” I’ve seen it because they don’t know I’m in the room a lot of the time. It’s fun being that character.
To keep up with Bubba, follow him on Twitter and Instagram. Binge-watch season 1 of Rusty Camel on YouTube today.
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