Exclusive interview: Pop Culturalist Chats with Ride Share’s Eric Martsolf

For over a decade, Eric Martsolf has heated up our screens as Brady Black on NBC’s Days of Our Lives. He and his character have taken viewers on a wild ride of emotions and kept us on the edge of our seats. This September, he brings that commitment and believability to his latest role as con man Keith in the must-listen-to podcast Ride Share. Pop Culturalist caught up with Eric to learn more about his newest project!
PC: Tell us about Ride Share, your character, and how you got involved.
Eric: Ride Share is a spin-off series of the podcast anthology series called Digital Sky. It’s the first audio/video hybrid of its kind, complete with a video/animated version available as well on Digital Sky’s YouTube channel.
I was approached to lead this series after completing the pilot episode of Digital Sky. The character of Keith apparently resonated with folks. He’s a con man out in society manipulating the technological advances we take for granted daily.
PC: You’ve done it all in your career. What was it about this particular project that stood out to you?
Eric: It’s groundbreaking. It’s unique. The production quality alone is stunning and stands out amongst its competitors.
PC: The team behind Ride Share is really redefining the podcast space. Can you talk a bit about how they’re doing that with visuals and the world they are creating?
Eric: I agree. The Digital Sky team isn’t fooling around! They’re raising the bar to extreme levels for podcast fiction. In a world where podcasts are a dime a dozen, one has to redefine the wheel in order to stand out. They are doing it.
PC: We’ve seen a rise in podcasts over the years. What are some of the major similarities and differences between that medium and film and television from an actor’s perspective??
Eric: To me, whether it’s film, fictional podcasts, or television, it’s the commitment level which must supersede anything else. If you don’t believe it, the audience won’t either. No matter the medium, the believability factor is paramount.
PC: Ride Share really makes listeners think about their own experiences with these apps and how we willingly get into these cars and trust that we’ll make it from point A to point B. Has your opinion on these apps changed being a part of this project?
Eric: Oh, I’ll still get into an Uber after this, sure! How can we not at this juncture? We’ve become dependent on the luxuries of today’s tech—so much so that the risk almost seems worth it!
That being said, we have to remain on guard when throwing our personal information around the web these days. Fraud isn’t going away soon, and people need to be vigilant.
PC: What is your worst ride sharing app experience? And if you could share a ride with someone, dead or alive, who would it be and why?
Eric: With the exception of some speedy and scary rides to LAX, my ride shares have been relatively normal!
As far as sharing a ride with someone of my choosing, I think a spin around the block with Lynda Carter, original Wonder Woman, may be entertaining. If you’re going to travel, why not have your passenger throw a magic lasso around ya and make you tell the truth for the ride home?
Pop Culturalist Speed Round
PC: Guilty pleasure TV show?
Eric: Dirty Money.
PC: Guilty pleasure movie?
Eric: Scarface.
PC: Favorite book?
Eric: Treasure Island.
PC: Favorite play or musical?
Eric: Rock of Ages.
PC: A band or artist that fans would be surprised to learn is on your playlist?
Eric: Barry Manilow.
PC: Who would play you in the story of your life?
Eric: Hugh Jackman.
To keep up with Eric, follow him on Twitter and Instagram. Listen to Ride Share today.
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