Exclusive Interview: Pop Culturalist Chats with Raven’s Home’s Navia Robinson

We don’t need a vision to know that Navia Robinson is the future of Hollywood. The up-and-coming actress is absolutely crushing it as Nia Baxter on Disney Channel’s Raven’s Home, which just started airing its third season. Pop Culturalist caught up with Navia to chat about Raven’s Home, what it’s meant to be a part of the Disney family, and all the advocacy work she does.
PC: What can you tease about your character and the new season of Raven’s Home?
Navia: Season three of Raven’s Home is currently airing, and there could be more music, and maybe a crush, or two!
PC: You’ve been a part of the series since the very beginning. What has surprised you the most about the experience? What has Nia taught you?
Navia: I was surprised about the similarities and differences of single-camera acting versus multi-cam acting. Previous to Raven’s Home, I’d only done episodic series, so beginning a comedic show was a fun adjustment. Nia is a very persistent person, so she’s definitely taught me the importance of persistence.
PC: You’ve had a lot of success in your young career. When you look back, is there a moment that sticks out to you the most?
Navia: Filming abroad is one of my best memories to date. When I filmed season one and season two of Netflix’s Free Rein, I was able to bring my brothers and dad out to the United Kingdom where I was shooting. Getting to spend five days in London with them, touring and experiencing new things, was incredible. I’m grateful that my career allowed me to share that with my family.
PC: How challenging is it to balance your life as a normal kid and your career?
Navia: Learning how to balance my social, academic, and career lives has been challenging, but it’s been a gradual process of finding the right balance. However, I’m happy to say that I’ve mastered a routine that really works for me!
PC: Of all the characters that you’ve played, which is the most similar to you? Which was the most challenging to bring to life?
Navia: I feel as though I’m most similar to Nia. We are both committed to academics, driven, persistent, and passionate. I’ve not yet played a character that’s particularly difficult to bring to life, but I look forward to that. Each character I’ve played, thus far has had occasional challenges, but that’s only due to the complications/complexities of individual scenes rather than the characters themselves.
PC: What has being a part of the Disney family meant to you?
Navia: It’s been so rewarding. Disney provides us with lots of opportunities to come face-to-face with those who support us and our show, which reminds us of who we’re creating content for. It’s a very rewarding feeling.
PC: You recently attended the #BonesLoveMilk event. How did you learn about the campaign and why did you want to be involved?
Navia: The #BonesLoveMilk campaign fascinated me because of its important message and how it’s being launched. They are partnering with some of the most fearless athletes and have created fun and youthful initiatives and events. I had so much fun at the event at Shredquarters, which they turned into an indoor pop-up skatepark experience.

Pop Culturalist Speed Round
PC: Guilty pleasure TV show?
Navia: The Office, but I don’t feel guilty about it at all.
PC: Guilty pleasure movie?
Navia: The Devil Wears Prada
PC: Favorite book?
Navia: The Michael Vey series
PC: Favorite play or musical?
Navia: Hamilton! I was fortunate enough to be gifted the opportunity to see it on Broadway!
PC: A band or artist that fans would be surprised to learn is on your playlist?
Navia: Tame Impala and The Beatles. I am a big fan of alternative music in addition to hip-hop, pop, R&B. I think people would be surprised to learn that.
PC: Last show you binge-watched?
Navia: The Society
PC: Hidden talent?
Navia: I can talk extremely fast.
To keep up with Navia, follow her on Twitter and Instagram, and catch Raven’s Home airing now on Disney Channel.
Photo Credit: Disney Channel/Craig Sjodin
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