Exclusive Interview: Pop Culturalist Chats with NEXT’s Evan Whitten

Evan Whitten

Evan Whitten is leading the next generation of up-and-coming actors ready to take over Hollywood. With several notable credits already under his belt, including The Resident and Mr. Robot, Evan can currently be seen starring in Fox’s sci-fi crime drama NEXT.

In the series, Evan plays Ethan, the son of the FBI agent who is trying to stop NEXT, an AI that threatens humanity.

Pop Culturalist caught up with Evan to learn more about him, NEXT, his character, and how his relationship with technology has changed since being a part of the show.


PC: How did you discover your passion for acting?
Evan: I started acting when I was five years old. I was homeschooled at the time. My mom decided to get me involved in the local theater so I could have a chance to interact with other kids. Everyone was really nice and I had a lot of fun, so I kept doing it. When I was seven, I got to play Charlie in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and I think that’s when it went from something I was just doing for fun to deciding I wanted to start taking acting seriously.

PC: Who or what has had the biggest influence on your career?
Evan: I would have to say that my mom has had the biggest influence on my career. She signed me up for my first play and has supported me ever since. I wouldn’t have had any career at all if it wasn’t for her.

PC: You’ve had a lot of success already in your career. When you look back, is there a particular moment that stands out?
Evan: I have had so many great experiences and I don’t think I could pick just one. The first thing that comes to mind is all the amazing places that I have been able to go to. To travel to New York, New Orleans, Vancouver, Toronto, Atlanta, and do something I love while working with truly wonderful people is a dream come true.


PC: You’re starring in the sci-fi crime drama, NEXT. Tell us about the series, your character, and what drew you to this project.
Evan: NEXT is about this rogue AI called NEXT that is trying to take over the world using modern technology. I play Ethan Salazar, who’s mom is the leader of the FBI unit trying to stop NEXT, and NEXT goes after Ethan to try and stop his mom. I think it is a cool idea for a show, and I enjoyed the challenge of playing Ethan, who has to deal with a lot throughout the series.

PC: In the first episode, we see that your character is being bullied in school. How does that impact his journey throughout Season 1? How did you prepare to play that?
Evan: Being bullied in school really affected Ethan because this gives NEXT an opportunity to sort of befriend Ethan and offer help to him, which allows NEXT to take advantage of Ethan and try to manipulate him. I prepared by imagining myself in Ethan’s situation. I just tried to feel what he would be feeling.

PC: The series shines a light on the dangers of technology. Has your perspective on technology changed being a part of this series?
Evan: Definitely! Before I didn’t think much about technology, it was just a part of everyday life. But after filming the show, I totally see that technology can be a dangerous thing and we have to be careful about it.

PC: If you had to summarize Season 1 in one sentence, what would it be?
Evan: Exciting, thrilling, creepy, dramatic, and you will always be on the edge of your seat.

Pop Culturalist Speed Round

PC: Guilty pleasure TV show?
Evan: The Garfield Show.

PC: Guilty pleasure movie?
Evan: Kung Fu Panda.

PC: Favorite book?
Evan: Harry Potter.

PC: Favorite play or musical?
Evan: The Lion King.

PC: A band or artist that fans would be surprised to learn is on your playlist?
Evan: Third Eye Blind.

PC: Who would play you in the story of your life?
Evan: Rami Malek.

To keep up with Evan, follow him on Instagram. Catch NEXT every Tuesday at 9/8c on Fox.

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Kevin is a writer living in New York City. He is an enthusiast with an extensive movie collection, who enjoys attending numerous conventions throughout the year. Say hi on Twitter and Instagram!

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