Exclusive Interview: Pop Culturalist Chats with Natalie Clark

Natalie Clark

Natalie Clark is embarking on a new chapter in her career: she quit her job as a teacher to pursue her dreams of being a singer-songwriter…and we’re glad she did! Earlier this year, she released her debut EP, Head North, a beautiful collection about her transition to music. Pop Culturalist caught up with Natalie to discuss Head North.

PC: How did you discover your passion for music?
Natalie: I was always surrounded by music growing up, as both my mum and dad are very musical and have such a passion for all different styles of music—from Nina Simone to The Beatles to Motown.

PC: Who or what has had the biggest influence on your career?
Natalie: I had a chance encounter with the Virgin mogul, Richard Branson, and he challenged me to an impromptu singing performance. His encouragement and support from that moment gave me the confidence to continue pursuing my passion of music!

PC: Tell us about your new EP, Head North. What inspired it?
Natalie: It’s basically a summary of my musical journey so far, from quitting my job as a school teacher to following my dream of music, to moving to London and then Los Angeles. It’s a collection of songs that were written along this magical journey and chronicle the highs and lows along the way!

PC: If you had to pick one song off Head North that best encompasses you as an artist, what would it be and why?
Natalie: That’s a tough one! I’d probably say my song, “More Than a Mountain”. It was written at the start of this adventure and sums up the attitude that I try to cultivate every day in myself and then hopefully inspire others, too! Basically, it’s the idea that it might seem like you’ve got more than a mountain to move, but anything is possible! Go for it!! Take the leap and go for your dream!

PC: You were a full-time teacher and decided to pursue your passion music. How challenging was that pivot?
Natalie: It was terrifying at first, as I had the safety net and financial stability of a good job and comfortable lifestyle, but I knew in my heart I had to have courage and jump! My fear was mixed with excitement, though, and I felt in my gut that it was the right decision to go all in!

PC: How has Scotland impacted your career? What are some of the major differences you’ve noticed compared to the L.A. music scene?
Natalie: Growing up in Scotland was fantastic, and there’s an amazing, thriving music scene over there. There are plenty of regular acoustic nights that nurture local talent. I loved being part of that scene, as it really helped me gain confidence to perform! I feel like the L.A. music scene is actually similar in that respect because it has so much regular live music! To be honest, I see more similarities than differences, as I feel that when musicians get together and pursue their dreams anywhere in the world, we’re connected and all in this together.

Pop Culturalist Speed Round

PC: A band or artist that fans would be surprised to learn is on your playlist?
Natalie: ABBA! I’m a sucker for a catchy pop hook, and they deliver so many!

PC: First album you bought?
Natalie: I think it was the soundtrack from the movie, Sister Act, or maybe JLo’s On the 6? I honestly can’t remember buying albums, just having lots of music around, like the Now compilations. Oh, and I had a Lionel Ritchie greatest hits that I was obsessed with!

PC: First concert you attended?
Natalie: Take That

PC: An album that changed your life and why?
Natalie: Whitney Houston on The Bodyguard soundtrack. I remember hearing “I Will Always Love You” and I’d never heard anything like it! The way it starts with just Whitney’s vocals and no music blew me away! That started my passion for singing!

PC: Someone you’d like to collaborate with in the future?
Natalie: I might as well dream big! Justin Timberlake is such an incredible writer and performer; it would be a dream to work with him in any capacity!

PC: A venue on your bucket list to perform at?
Natalie: An absolute DREAM is Carnegie Hall. My grandad won the Carnegie scholarship for university to become a vet back in Scotland. There was always a special connection with America. The history at that venue is so incredible, and if I ever got to play there, I imagine my grandad would be beyond proud!

PC: A must-have on the road?
Natalie: Laptop, earphones and Think protein bars.

To keep up with Natalie, follow her on Twitter and Instagram. Pick up or stream Head North on Amazon Music, iTunes, or Spotify.

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Kevin is a writer living in New York City. He is an enthusiast with an extensive movie collection, who enjoys attending numerous conventions throughout the year. Say hi on Twitter and Instagram!

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