Exclusive Interview: Pop Culturalist Chats with Josey Greenwell

Josey Greenwell

Singer-songwriter Josey Greenwell is taking his experience of coming out while navigating the music industry and channeling it into his craft. The result is his most personal body of work to date—an upcoming album that radiates with authenticity. Pop Culturalist caught up with Josey to learn more about City Games and his new single, “102” (featuring Philup Banks).

PC: How did you discover your passion for music?
Josey: When I was in high school, my choir director pushed me into joining and then into doing solos, which led to me eventually pursuing a career in music! It helped me overcome my stage fright!

PC: Who or what has had the biggest influence on your career?
Josey: Wow! That’s a tough question. I would say overcoming the struggles of being a gay man has been the biggest influence, hands down. Trying to navigate those stages of coming out while also driving through the music industry has been an interesting journey. I’m now finally taking those experiences and turning them into art.

PC: There was a point in your life when you put your guitar down and pursued other passions. What did you learn about yourself during that time away that you’ve been able to apply to your career moving forward?
Josey: Ironically, I learned what the difference between a hobby and a passion was. Music was my passion, and I couldn’t stay away from it for too long without my anxiety boiling up and feeling trapped emotionally. As a fitness instructor at Barry’s, music is essential to the energy of the class, and I realized just how much I really did love doing it, regardless of the struggles I was going through previously.

PC: You have a new single out now. Tell us about “102,” featuring Philup Banks, the inspiration behind the song, and your recent remix.
Josey: It was the first track that I worked on with my friend and producer, Daneon. We were inspired by everyone on social media who can always be seen in a new location every weekend partying. We thought, “What are these people’s jobs? Why can’t they keep it real?” And the idea was invented to use a spin-off of the phrase “keep it 100” with the songs BPM of 102. So “keep it 102!” When a remix was in the works, I reached out to Zac Samuel, and he was so down to do it. He really created something unique from our original idea, and the remix was born!

PC: You’re getting ready to release your album, City Games. What can fans expect?
Josey: It’s the most important project I’ve worked on to date. My most authentic self really shines through, and I’m writing and singing about topics I’ve always wanted to. To be able to say “he” feels really refreshing—not that I couldn’t have before, but the pressures to not do so were present, and now I don’t want to be anyone else but myself.

Sonically, it’s so upbeat and fun. I pulled a lot of inspiration from New York City, which is such a driving sleepless town. The album is very fast and has a pulse to it as any major city does.

PC: If you had to choose one song off of City Games that best encompasses you as an artist, what would it be and why?
Josey: Definitely “Cowboy,” my next single. You’ll have to stay tuned.

Pop Culturalist Speed Round

PC: A band or artist that fans would be surprised to learn is on your playlist?
Josey: The Midnight

PC: First album you bought?
Josey: Backstreet Boys’ Millenium

PC: First concert you attended?
Josey: Dixie Chicks in my hometown, Bardstown, Kentucky.

PC: An album that changed your life and why?
Josey: Honestly, any of Taylor Swift’s. Her writing was the soundtrack for my life from high school on. I have always appreciated her craft and ability to write an infectious hook. It’s second to none.

PC: A venue on your bucket list to perform at?
Josey: Madison Square Garden and Rupp Arena!

PC: A must-have on the road?
Josey: Oreos, obviously. [laughs]

To keep up with Josey, follow him on Twitter, Instagram, and Spotify. Pick up or stream “102” (featuring Philup Banks) today.

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Kevin is a writer living in New York City. He is an enthusiast with an extensive movie collection, who enjoys attending numerous conventions throughout the year. Say hi on Twitter and Instagram!

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