Exclusive Interview: Pop Culturalist Chats with Ilana Armida

Music fans from around the world (us included) have become obsessed with Ilana Armida. Some may even say we’re a little addicted. The L.A.-based singer-songwriter and dancer is bringing her fresh take to music, blending together pop, R&B, soul, and funk influences to make a sound that’s uniquely her own. Following her infectious single, “Addicted to You”, Ilana has dropped yet another hit called “High No More”. Pop Culturalist spoke with Ilana ahead of its release.
PC: Tell us about your new single, “High No More”. What was the inspiration behind the song?
Ilana: “High No More” was written by myself, Allen Mattox, J Bach, my mom, Mike Schiavo, and Alex Kinsey and co-produced by most of us writers and Taylor Sparks. It is about that point in a relationship where you realize the spark is fading. Your significant other just simply is not putting in the effort and you are bored! The lyrics are really saying how OVER IT you are, but there is also this feeling of optimism that if he just tries, like even a little bit, you might be able to reignite that flame.
PC: What advice would you give to someone in a similar situation?
Ilana: Do what makes you happy and be HONEST! If your person isn’t making you happy then tell them and if they aren’t going to change, move on! Life is way too short to be in a situation that bores you!
PC: What is your creative process like when you’re working on a new song? Has it changed over the years?
Ilana: My process is constantly changing. From song to song, it is always different. Sometimes I knock a song out in a session (like “High No More”) and sometimes it takes years to get it just right. I might start with a concept or some lyrics or I might have a track and I just start mumbling melodies until a song happens. The only consistent factor is that I try my best to only write what is genuinely me and what feels good in the moment.
PC: Who or what has had the biggest influence on your career?
Ilana: I am strongly influenced by performers known for creating amazing stage shows like Bruno Mars, Justin Timberlake, and Janet Jackson. I grew up listening to R&B (which was pop back in the ’90s), so there is a lot of that that comes through in my songs.
PC: What’s been the biggest lesson you’ve learned being a part of this industry?
Ilana: Trust your gut and get things done yourself. It is easy to get taken advantage of in this industry and the more you know about the music and the business the better off you will be. It is so important, especially for young female artists, to be educated on every aspect of this industry, but it’s equally as important to trust your talent and create something that YOU believe in.
PC: As we look ahead in 2019, what does the year hold for you?
Ilana: I am so excited to release a lot more music for you guys and get up on some stages!
Pop Culturalist Speed Round
PC: Guilty pleasure TV show?
Ilana: SpongeBob SquarePants
PC: Guilty pleasure movie?
Ilana: The Lion King
PC: Favorite book?
Ilana: I’m currently reading I Am Pilgrim.
PC: Favorite play or musical?
Ilana: Rent or Wicked
PC: A band or artist that fans would be surprised to learn is on your playlist?
Ilana: The Who
PC: First concert you attended?
Ilana: N*SYNC baby!
PC: First album you bought?
Ilana: Also N*SYNC
PC: A venue on your bucket list to perform at?
Ilana: Coachella
PC: An album that changed your life and why?
Ilana: Tupac: Greatest Hits because it made me fall in love with hip-hop and made me want to move to Cali.
Keep up with Ilana by following her on Twitter and Instagram, and pick up “High No More” on iTunes or Amazon Music.
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