Exclusive Interview: Pop Culturalist Chats with High School Musical: The Musical – The Series’ Matt Cornett

Matt Cornett’s definitely got his head in the game. At only twenty-one, he’s quickly become one of Hollywood’s most exciting triple threats. He acts, sings, and dances, and he’s displaying all his talents in his starring role as EJ Caswell in High School Musical: The Musical – The Series. His character is an ambitious jock and leading man who will stop at nothing to get what he wants. Pop Culturalist caught up with this Wildcat to chat about High School Musical: The Musical – The Series and how he discovered the real EJ.
PC: Throughout the season, we see EJ’s ambition get the better of him. What can you tease about the tricky situations he’ll find himself in? How challenging was it to find that balance to make sure he doesn’t come off as a “villain”?
Matt: It was a huge challenge. EJ is a good guy, but he gets himself in so much trouble. He continues to dig himself deeper and deeper in this hole. He realizes that if he really loves Nini that he needs to be himself so she can see the real him. During the first season, he’s trying to figure out who he is and is learning that you don’t have to put on this big facade to be liked; you just need to be yourself. That’s something that I channeled. I’m someone who likes to be myself and if you like it, then cool.

PC: Similarly to EJ, you did theatre growing up. How helpful was that training in preparing for High School Musical: The Musical — The Series?
Matt: Interestingly enough, I did theatre, but I never did musical theatre. Back in middle school, I was Flying Monkey King #1 as well as Farmer #2 in The Wizard of Oz, so really high roles. [laughs] I also did another production that I can’t remember.
I never did anything musically, so I’m learning that side of things throughout this show. It’s so great because I have this insanely talented cast to learn from, whether it’s singing, dancing, or acting. Everyone is so incredibly talented that it’s like having coaches by my side.
PC: EJ is a triple threat, similar to yourself. Between acting, singing, and dancing, is one easier than the others? Is one more challenging?
Matt: For me, acting is the easiest because I’ve never really danced or sung before. As the first season has gone along, I’ve learned that dancing is about confidence. [laughs] Once the confidence comes, you’ll get there; it’s just a matter of doing it. If you look like a goofball then, oh well, you’re putting everything you got into it. I never thought I would enjoy dancing, but I really do now.
PC: In the series, you all are revisiting songs from the original but there are also new songs. Is there one that you’re excited for your fans to see?
Matt: Yeah! There are a ton of amazing songs. They’re all songs that I’ve bopped to in the car driving down the street, then I realize that I can’t play them or I have to roll up my windows. [laughs] People may think they’re all musical theatre songs, but they’re not. They’re very modern, up-to-date versions of these songs. I think people will love them. One of my favorites is one that Josh [Bassett] and Olivia [Rodrigo] cowrote together. That’s towards the end of the season and it’s a really good one.
PC: We already know that the series has been picked up for a second season. Where would you like to see EJ’s storyline head?
Matt: Throughout the first season, you see the facade that he puts on and this fake personality. Don’t get me wrong, EJ is definitely a conceited guy. [laughs] It’s not in a jerk-ish way, though; he’s just very confident. It’d be interesting to see where his arc goes knowing that he doesn’t have to be the lead in everything he does, knowing that he doesn’t have to be the #1 guy, and knowing that he doesn’t have to be best friends with everybody. I’m just interested to see what happens after he’s been humbled by Season 1.
To keep up with Matt, follow him on Twitter and Instagram. Catch new episodes of High School Musical: The Musical — The Series every Friday on Disney+.
Photo Credit: Disney+
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