Exclusive Interview: Pop Culturalist Chats with Gabrielle Stone

When actress, director, and writer Gabrielle Stone had her heart broken twice in two months, she went on a soul-searching adventure around Europe. Along the way, she healed, faced her fears, and most importantly, learned how to love herself. She’s sharing her journey and the lessons she learned in her inspiring new book, Eat, Pray, #FML—a must-read for anyone who has ever had their heart broken. Pop Culturalist caught up with Gabrielle to discuss the novel.
PC: Tell us about Eat, Pray, #FML. What inspired the book?
Gabrielle: The book really happened to me, I just decided to write about it. In 2017, I found out my husband of almost two years had been having an affair with a nineteen-year-old for six months. I filed for divorce and left. Shortly after, I met a man and we fell madly in love. We had a whirlwind romance and he convinced me to join him on a month-long vacation in Italy. Forty-eight hours before we were getting on a plane, he told me he had to go by himself. I was absolutely devastated, but I had a decision to make: either stay at home and be heartbroken or go travel Europe for a month by myself. And staying at home heartbroken? F%*k. That. So, I flew to London and visited seven countries with no plans and just a backpack–it was absolutely terrifying and completely life-changing.
PC: What was the writing process like?
Gabrielle: I started the book the day I arrived in London. I wrote the entire duration of the trip (some days more than others) in my leather journal I had bought. When I came home, I finished it and transferred everything onto my computer. It took me about three months to write the entire thing. Of course, I did work with an editor after and finessed it for a few months after that as well. I had never written a book before, but it just kind of poured out of me. I wrote everything as it was happening, so it was all very fresh.
PC: You share a lot of personal stories within the book. How challenging was it to be that vulnerable?
Gabrielle: Very. I’ve always been an open book (no pun intended) with my family, friends, etc., but to be that open with the entire world is another story. I chose to not hold anything back in this book. Some of my deepest, darkest fears and realizations from those fears are on the pages. A lot of people asked me if I was sure I wanted to share everything as it was or if I wanted to change my name. Truthfully, although it’s a little scary, knowing how this book will reach people and help them heal far outweighs the fear of being judged.
PC: What did you learn about yourself through this process?
Gabrielle: So. Freaking. Much. I learned more about myself in those three months than I had in my entire life. I also continued to learn as life went on after my trip and writing about it all. I came back from Europe a different woman in the best way possible. Most importantly, I learned how to love myself. Once I finally understood how to do that, which was always such a struggle for me, my entire life changed. I hope when people read this book it will give them that same gift.
PC: What do you hope readers walk away with when they finish Eat, Pray, #FML?
Gabrielle: Honestly, I think people will take so many things away from this book, but everyone will connect with different things. For me, it was knowing that I will always be okay no matter what happens to me in life. There is always a light at the end of the tunnel, and it is usually way more awesome on the other side. I hope people are inspired to go travel by themselves, be brave, face fears, and learn how to heal themselves.
PC: What surprised you the most about transitioning from the world of acting into writing?
Gabrielle: It’s totally different in every way for me. I’ve always loved creative writing and have written two short film screenplays, but I never really considered myself a writer. I guess I have to now. They’re both still in the same creative world, but because Eat, Pray, #FML is non-fiction, it’s different than stepping into the shoes of a character I’m playing. I have a feeling this story will eventually make its way to the screen, so you never know when the two worlds will collide.
Pop Culturalist Speed Round
PC: Guilty pleasure TV show?
Gabrielle: The Bachelor/Bachelorette. 100%
PC: Guilty pleasure movie?
Gabrielle: Forgetting Sarah Marshall. I don’t feel guilty though!
PC: Favorite book?
Gabrielle: Jenna Jameson’s How to Make Love Like a Porn Star
PC: Favorite play or musical?
Gabrielle: Hamilton. It’s epic.
PC: A band or artist that fans would be surprised to learn is on your playlist?
Gabrielle: J Balvin. I’m obsessed with Reggaetón—literally all I listen to.
PC: Last show you binge-watched?
Gabrielle: Dead to Me. Christina Applegate is incredible.
PC: Hidden talent?
Gabrielle: I can pick up almost anything (and open doors) with my toes.
To keep up with Gabrielle, follow her on Twitter and Instagram, and pick up Eat, Pray, #FML today.
Photo Credit: Jonathan Stoddard, Booked It Photography
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