Exclusive Interview: Pop Culturalist Chats with Dash & Lily’s Keana Marie

Keana Marie

‘Tis the season to discover up-and-coming actors that should be on your radar. Start with the holiday-themed Netflix series, Dash & Lily, and you’ll find actress Keana Marie as Sofia, Dash’s irresistible ex-girlfriend.

Like Sofia, Keana is a multi-lingual wonder. Born in France to Brazilian and French parents, she began dancing and modeling as a child before moving to Miami with her family where she discovered her love for acting. That led her to LA and roles in movies and shows like Flaked, Huge in France, and the upcoming Root Letter. Her talents don’t end there—she’s also written and directed a short film and developing her own series. Keana Marie is definitely a creator and performer with her star on the rise.

We caught up with Keana to learn more about her, her career, and Dash & Lily.


PC: How did you discover your passion for acting?
Keana: Luckily, I come from a pretty musical family. My mom played the sax while I was in her belly, and so I think I was born with a fascination for the arts. Growing up, I was also making up plays and shows, performing for family and friends. I did some community theater and some Broadway summer camps, but it was in middle school when I decided to fully pursue my passion and get an agent.

PC: Who or what has had the biggest influence on your career?
Keana: I’m going to have to say my parents for always supporting me and never, for one second, making me doubt that my dream was achievable. They backed me all the way, and so I think in a way they were my biggest influence.

I’d also say Heath Ledger, any of the wonderful Anderson directors, and Nicole Kidman. I mean, I pull inspiration from life, too. That’s what acting is, isn’t it? True story: my friend and I would walk around the neighborhood as kids and we would observe all of the different houses and create entire worlds for the people who inhabited them.

PC: In addition to acting, you’re also a director and writer. How has your work behind the scenes made you a stronger actress and vice versa?
Keana: I definitely believe that being well-versed behind the camera, as well as in front of, helps tremendously. It takes so much to make a film, so familiarizing yourself with the ins and outs of all that goes into it is extremely beneficial and I can’t recommend it enough! Go out there, get curious. I’m that actor who lives on set; I’m rarely seen in my trailer because I genuinely love and am in pure awe of the process.

Dash & Lily

PC: Tell us about Dash & Lily, your character, and what attracted you to this project?
Keana: Dash & Lily is a modern love story that belongs in fairytales. It’s actually a book series! The third one has just hit the shelves. Cynical Dash and hopeless romantic Lily get to know each other and begin falling for one another as they trade dares and memories across New York City.

I play Sofia, Dash’s ex-girlfriend who broke up with him because she was moving to Brazil. She isn’t your typical ex-girlfriend; Sofia lights up a room, empathizes with all, and doesn’t move on ill-intent.

I was attracted to this project because, personally, I really resonate with Sofia. She’s very cultured, a polyglot (speaks six languages), grew up fast, and is obsessed with tangibility and authenticity. She’s a fun character and playing with an accent all season was also a good time. Plus, I mean the entire Dash & Lily team is remarkable: Joe Tracz, Josh Barry, Shawn Levy, Nick Jonas, Fred Savage, Midori Francis, and Austin Abrams—I mean who wouldn’t jump on that? Shooting in New York City during the holidays? Count me in.

PC: How familiar were you with the source material? When you’re working on a project that’s being adapted from a novel, is the preparation different?
Keana: I wasn’t familiar with the book series at all! I only bought the book after landing the role. The new cover edition with Austin and Midori [Francis] is actually out! I had a whole Dash & Lily moment and browsed through the aisles until my eyes met the shiny blue paperback.

I’d definitely say the process is a bit different when preparing for a role adapted from a novel. First, you really want to pay homage and do justice to the character the writer has written on the page. I do like to add my own intricacies that I discover when building a character, so it’s also important to not get too lost in what’s on the page. It’s our job to make it three-dimensional and to do it with grace.

PC: If you had to summarize the first season in one sentence, what would it be?
Keana: Dash & Lily Season 1 is enchanting, hopeful, invigorating, and a breath of fresh air that we all need right now.

Pop Culturalist Speed Round

PC: Guilty pleasure TV show?
Keana: The Circle.

PC: Guilty pleasure movie?
Keana: 50 First Dates.

PC: Favorite book?
Keana: The Alchemist.

PC: Favorite play or musical?
Keana: Hamilton.

PC: A band or artist that fans would be surprised to learn is on your playlist?
Keana: Larry Lovestein (Mac Miller’s alias, for those who don’t know). I only say surprised cause it’s lowkey. It’s gold to your ears that I think you should listen to.

PC: Who would play you in the story of your life?
Keana: Ahhhhh that’s a hard one. I’m only a quarter of the way into living my life, and while I have a lot of experiences under my belt, I’d cast the lead in my biopic when I’m close to death, and I’m hoping and manifesting that that’s nowhere near. [laughs]

To keep up with Keana, follow her on Twitter and Instagram. Binge-watch Season 1 of Dash & Lily today!

Photo Credit: Colin Stark

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Kevin is a writer living in New York City. He is an enthusiast with an extensive movie collection, who enjoys attending numerous conventions throughout the year. Say hi on Twitter and Instagram!

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