Exclusive Interview: Pop Culturalist Chats with A Loud House Christmas’ Muretta Moss

Actress-writer Muretta Moss is one to keep your eye on. She’s brought dynamic stories to life in projects like Dyed, Highlighted, and Hopeful, Herman Jones, and The Inspectors. This winter, she can be seen bringing the holiday cheers in A Loud House Christmas.
Adapted from the beloved animated series, A Loud House Christmas follows Lincoln Loud as he gears up for the ultimate Christmas until he finds out that his sisters have plans to be elsewhere for the big day. Determined to remind his family that they all need to be together, Lincoln and his best friend Clyde McBride embark on a mission to preserve their holiday traditions. Muretta shines as matriarch Rita Loud.
Pop Culturalist chatted with Muretta about her multifaceted career, A Loud House Christmas, and her upcoming project Intersection.
PC: How did you discover your passion for storytelling?
Muretta: I was just thinking about this the other day. When I was really young, I wanted to be a teacher. It was the only profession where I saw someone telling stories. I thought, “I always admired my teachers so much.” It was more about what they were sharing. I just recently had this realization as to why I connected so much with teaching when I was younger. I loved storytelling because everyone has their own way of telling a story. They tell their own stories. If you’re given a script, there’s a way to make it your own and have your essence come out in it. It’s a really beautiful, creative process.
PC: Who or what has had the biggest influence on your career?
Muretta: I would say one of my therapists. I’m a big advocate for mental health. When I was in LA, she taught me and showed me that the universe is kind and not out to get me. We have so many obstacles in this career and to think that the whole universe is conspiring against you doesn’t help anything. I missed her when I moved. I left and I was like, “Maybe I should find her again with everything being virtual.” But yeah, there have been so many people. I give my hats off to everyone—all of my acting teachers and even people on TV being their characters who have been role models to me.
PC: You’ve had a lot of success throughout your career. When you look back, is there a moment that stands out?
Muretta: When I look back on my career, I don’t really look at it as being successful, which is funny. I look at it like, “This is a stop in my journey. Here’s another stop.” I need to reframe these moments, but I will say A Loud House Christmas. It’s been my biggest success. I’m really happy to be a part of it. It was just released after Thanksgiving. This is a success that my friends and family can be a part of, which has been nice. It’s nice to share it with others.
PC: Tell us about A Loud House Christmas, your character, and what drew you to this project.
Muretta: A Loud House Christmas is based on the Emmy Award-winning cartoon series The Loud House. My agent sends me so many auditions weekly. When I got it, I was like, “This is really fun to audition for because it’s a fun character and series.” But I didn’t think much of it other than that because so many auditions come by that I would say I connected with. Once I was done, I wasn’t texting my agent or refreshing my Gmail. When I did book it, I was like, “Really? How did I make it through the cracks?” Because I’m sure they did nationwide casting for it.
The director called me and said, “You were the funniest. We loved you.” I was like, “Oh my gosh. Thank you so much.” The funniest thing is that it is a loud house. [laughs] There were twelve kids who are the main characters. It was a loud set. One of the things that I love is quiet. It’s something that I seek. I will ride in the car with no music and enjoy the silence. I think that’s funny how I went to the other side of the spectrum. It’s the other side of the coin.
PC: Did you feel any pressure heading into this project?
Muretta: Yes! I did feel the pressure. I felt pressure because it’s such a beloved series. The voice actress for my character, Rita Loud, is Jill Talley. She’s an icon in the voiceover world and she’s a great actress. I just really wanted her to like me and be like, “That’s great.” I tried to let that go, but that still sits in me. I’m like, “I just want to make her proud.” I hope I did. I had a great time working with Brian [Stepanek], who plays the dad and who also is the voice actor for the show. He was such a great guy to work with.
PC: With the film out now, what do you hope audiences take away after they see it?
Muretta: A Loud House Christmas is a program for people who are fans of the show and people who may not be. Maybe they’re new fans now because this is a really fun, fast-moving movie that’s so cute and clever. I hope they make it a Christmas tradition and sit down and watch it. I hope all the kids who watch the film become more comfortable with change and embrace it. I hope they know that their families are always there for them. I also really want people who may not have the best home life to be able to find someone in the film that they connect with. When they watch this movie, I hope it brings a little more holiday cheer.
PC: You also just wrapped on Intersection. What can fans expect from that?
Muretta: Intersection is a dark comedy that focuses on a community going through gentrification. It was an incredible project to work on. We don’t have solutions to gentrification, but I hope this story will create conversations and make people more aware. It’s a project that’s close to my heart. We’re putting it on the festival circuit now, so we’re excited to see where it gets picked up.
Pop Culturalist Speed Round
PC: Guilty pleasure TV show?
Muretta: Younger.
PC: Guilty pleasure movie?
Muretta: The Bridget Jones’s trilogy. Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason is #1.
PC: Favorite book?
Muretta: Pride and Prejudice.
PC: Favorite play or musical?
Muretta: I really love Les Misérables. It was probably one of the first musicals I connected to when I was younger. It’s a classic. I’m here for it.
PC: A band or artist that fans would be surprised to learn is on your playlist?
Muretta: No one would be surprised that Taylor Swift is on my playlist. Maybe Garth Brooks?
PC: Dream role?
Muretta: I’m hoping the current show that I’m writing will be picked up and I will be able to be the executive producer. I’m not sure if I’d be the best showrunner, but I’d love to be a co-showrunner and also be able to act in something that I created.
To keep up with Muretta, follow her on Twitter and Instagram. Watch A Loud House Christmas on Paramount+.
Photo Credit: Stacey Bode Photographer // Hair and Makeup: Jennifer Nieman
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