Exclusive Interview: Pop Culturalist Chats with Country Comfort’s Griffin McIntyre

Griffin McIntyre

Like his character in Netflix’s Country Comfort, Griffin McIntyre is a rising young star who means business. Making his television debut in Country Comfort, Griffin is putting all his talents on display and is singing, dancing, and acting his way into the hearts of audiences and critics.

We had the pleasure of speaking with Griffin about the series, his character, and what he learned from the experience.


PC: How did you discover your passion for acting and singing?
Griffin: I definitely discovered my passion for singing and acting through my family. Growing up, we always used to sing and dance in the house. I remember having dance parties every day where I would end up on the kitchen counter just going for it. We would do family plays and were constantly playing make-believe. My family and friends have always inspired me and kept me going.

PC: Who or what has had the biggest influence on your career?
Griffin: My mom and dad have had the biggest influence for sure. I’ve watched my dad sing and act my whole life—he inspires me so much. For as long as I can remember, I have wanted to be up there on stage with him, and sometimes he let me! My mom has made sure I do the work, take the classes, and just encourages me. I have been lucky to be exposed to amazing performances and incredible teachers. I love to watch live performances and I’m inspired by so many different kinds of artists.

PC: How has music made you a stronger actor and vice versa?
Griffin: Music has helped my acting because it is very natural for me to connect as a singer. If I have a big scene or tricky line, I try to think of it as a song. When I am singing, I am just really in the moment and don’t feel like I am acting at all, but maybe I am sometimes!

Country Comfort

PC: Tell us about Country Comfort, your character, and what drew you to this project
Griffin: I was drawn to Country Comfort because it is funny, musical, and full of heart. It is centered around the Haywoods, who lost their mom and need to find a nanny. When Bailey, played by Katharine McPhee, shows up at their doorstep, they take her in and hire her immediately, even though she is not a nanny but a country singer. That’s when these bonds develop and so does their mutual love of music.

My character, Dylan Haywood, is funny and serious at the same time. I loved him immediately! He decides that he is going to be Bailey’s music manager. At twelve years old, he means business and really focuses on making things happen. It is fun to play someone so adult-like who also has some really childish reactions. Also, I get to be the younger brother of two amazing and hilarious people and the big brother to two incredible sisters.

PC: How similar or different are you to your character? What can you tease about his arc in the series?
Griffin: Dylan and I both love music and playing instruments. We share the love of appreciating other people’s talents and like to encourage others. We are also both focused and hard-working.

I am the oldest in my family and definitely think being the middle brother is different. I like to think I am funnier than him, but I will let you decide. Just kidding.

A tease? Well, Dylan’s energy creates many exciting opportunities.

PC: This is a breakout role for you. Has anything surprised you about the experience? What has been the biggest takeaway so far?
Griffin: This is my first real on-screen role and I learned so many things. I couldn’t believe how many amazing people were involved. For me, I just love people. Making so many great relationships and having so many cool conversations with the cast and crew about on-set stuff or even [playing] sports has to be the biggest takeaway. Also, I love doing this, the day-to-day, and the whole thing. I always felt drawn to performance, but doing this for real is just the best.

PC: With the show out now, what do you hope audiences take away?
Griffin: I hope they will see all the love incorporated into this show through the stories being told and the music we got to share. Now more than ever, I hope people laugh, smile, and feel the feels!

Pop Culturalist Speed Round

PC: Favorite TV show?
Griffin: Stranger Things.

PC: Favorite movie?
Griffin: All the Ocean’s movies.

PC: Favorite book?
Griffin: Tuck Everlasting.

PC: Favorite play or musical?
Griffin: Dear Evan Hansen.

PC: A band or artist that fans would be surprised to learn is on your playlist?
Griffin: The Beatles.

PC: Hidden talent?
Griffin: I’m a good cook!

To keep up with Griffin, follow him on Instagram. Watch Country Comfort on Netflix today.

Photo Credit: Suzannah Gold


Kevin is a writer living in New York City. He is an enthusiast with an extensive movie collection, who enjoys attending numerous conventions throughout the year. Say hi on Twitter and Instagram!

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