Exclusive Interview: Pop Culturalist Chats with Filipa


Filipa is a rising South African singer-songwriter who rose to notoriety after winning an international Ryan Seacrest cover competition. Since then, she’s skyrocketed to the top with hit songs like “Little White Lies” and “Chills,” and was honored as Glamour‘s Next Big Thing at the Women of the Year Awards in 2014.

Pop Culturalist caught up with Filipa to chat about her new single, “Do Something,” what she hopes to accomplish with her music, and what’s ahead.

PC: How did you discover your passion for music?
Filipa: Growing up, music was my first love. I used to listen to all types of music from Andrea Bocelli to Britney Spears. It gave me so much joy. I was always putting on a show for my family and friends and soon realized that it was what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. However, the most significant moment was when I was eight years old. I watched Grease for the first time and it changed everything for me. I remember loving it so much that all I wanted to do was learn all the songs, all the steps, and star in my very own musical. I told everyone that I knew what I wanted to be when I grew up—a performer.

PC: Who or what has had the biggest influence on your career?
Filipa: Michael Jackson has definitely had the biggest influence on my career. I believe he was a pioneer in pop music and has inspired so much of what we hear today. The one thing I always strive for is to be as authentic to myself and my music as he was to his. His music was magic because he allowed it to be. He never held back on his creative vision and always pushed boundaries. This, I believe, is so important for an artist. If you don’t believe in your music, your voice, your talent, and desire to express it, who else will?

PC: You’ve had a lot of success already in your career. When you look back, is there a particular moment that stands out?
Filipa: Wow, this is a tough one. I would say the moment that sticks out the most was recording my first-ever demo CD when I was thirteen years old. I was so excited that I finally had my own CD with my voice. Since CDs were still cool back in the day, I felt like the snazziest kid on the block! I still have it, by the way! It made it real for me and I will treasure it forever. This moment was a big deal and it gave me that confidence to keep going.

PC: Tell us about your new single, “Do Something.” What was the inspiration behind the track?
Filipa: Since I like to be transparent with my music, “Do Something” was written at a time where I was dealing with the confusion and frustration of a pending romantic relationship. It was my way of expressing my sentiment of “if you like me, just do something!” I wasn’t coming from an angry or bitter place, but just from one of not appreciating the uncertainty while still maintaining the calm and confidence. Mixed signals are frustrating, and I like to know where I stand. So the song sums that up.

PC: We’re living in really unprecedented times. Like everyone else, artists have had to adapt. Tell us about filming the “Do Something” video and what you learned about yourself during that process.
Filipa: Filming the music video for “Do Something” was surprisingly empowering and fulfilling. I was super nervous to be shooting my own video, but it was honestly so fun and I ended up loving the outcome. I realized that I’m actually capable of so much more than I give myself credit for and that I just need to learn to adapt. Working hard pays off and persistence is all you need to end up creating something good despite the difficult circumstances you’re facing.

PC: Of all the singles that you’ve released, if you had to choose one that best encompasses who you are as an artist, what would it be and why?
Filipa: I would say “Do Something” is that song because as I keep developing as an artist, my music is getting closer to who I am, and with each release I’m beginning to find my little niche. “Do Something” best demonstrates my lyrical style—conversational and honest—with a groove-orientated simplistic production.

PC: As we look ahead to the rest of 2020, what does the year hold for you?
Filipa: Despite the fact that 2020 has been an unexpectedly stagnant year for most of us, it has allowed me to finish off some other great projects, which I’m hoping to share before it ends. I cannot share more details right now, but new music is definitely on the cards.

Pop Culturalist Speed Round

PC: A band or artist that fans would be surprised to learn is on your playlist?
Filipa: Tokio Hotel.

PC: First album you bought?
Filipa: Michael Jackson’s Thriller.

PC: First concert you attended?
Filipa: Enrique Iglesias.

PC: An album that changed your life and why?
Filipa: Michael Jackson’s Thriller. Discovering his music just blew my mind. Music was always a passion of mine, but playing it just amplified that passion. The album is a masterpiece with “Billie Jean” being my favorite song of all time.

PC: A venue on your bucket list to perform at?
Filipa: Madison Square Garden.

PC: A must-have on the road?
Filipa: Headphones of course!

To keep up with Filipa, follow her on Twitter, Instagram, and Spotify. Pick up or stream “Do Something” today.

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Kevin is a writer living in New York City. He is an enthusiast with an extensive movie collection, who enjoys attending numerous conventions throughout the year. Say hi on Twitter and Instagram!

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