Exclusive Interview: Pop Culturalist Chats with Magic Camp’s Isabella Crovetti

Isabella Crovetti

Isabella Crovetti is a talented young actress who has been creating magic on the screen for almost a decade in projects like Colony, Joy, Vampirina, and Shimmer and Shine. This summer, she can be seen in the highly anticipated Disney+ film, Magic Camp, where she plays Ruth, the outspoken camper who knows exactly who she is.

We caught up with Isabella to chat about her journey in the industry, Magic Camp, and why the world needs a film like this.


PC: How did you discover your passion for acting?
Isabella: When I was around five, I was watching a show called Yo Gabba Gabba and I saw other kids my age on the show. I asked my mom how the kids got to be on the show because I wanted to meet D.J. Lance. My mom was a child actor and started when she was nine years old, so she knew how the industry worked. She explained how the children got to be on the show. I told her I wanted to do that too, and the rest is history. I never got to meet D.J. Lance, though. [laughs]

PC: Who or what has had the biggest influence on your career?
Isabella: I would say my dad and mom. My dad is a writer and producer and my mom was an actor and then became a coach to actors. They have taught me so much about the industry and my craft.

PC: You’ve had a lot of success already in your young career. When you look back, is there a particular moment that stands out?
Isabella: I would say when I had to audition for David O. Russell for the movie Joy. I had to meet with him several times before I was cast in that role. It was amazing working side-by-side with Jennifer Lawrence and Bob De Niro—the film had an amazing cast. I had done a small role in Enlightened playing a young Laura Dern, and Laura’s mom, Diane Ladd, played my grandma on Joy. It is such an amazing and small industry when you start working in it.

Magic Camp

PC: You have a new project coming out. Tell us about Magic Camp, your character, and what drew you to this role.
Isabella: What drew me to this role was that it was a comedy. I had just come off of working on a drama called Colony for three years. I was excited to do something different. I loved the script and I love Mark Waters. Mean Girls is one of my favorite films.

I play the character of Ruth. She is very quirky, strong-willed, and opinionated, and different than any role I have played. I instantly loved her.

I also love that the movie is about magic. We had to go to magic classes for several months before we began shooting. We were taught magic by some of the best magicians in the world. I got to learn how tons and tons of magic tricks are done. Also, what is so cool, is that at the end of the movie all the actors are doing real magic, live. We filmed our magic acts all in one take and with no special effects. It is really us doing the magic.

PC: How similar or different are you to your character, Ruth?
Isabella: Very different. Believe it or not, I am kind of shy when you meet me. Most actors I have met are truly introverted. Ruth is not, though. She knows who she is and lets everyone know it. She is a really funny character.

PC: What can you tease about Ruth’s storyline? Which of her relationships was your favorite to explore and why?
Isabella: I can’t tell you much, but she has a certain obsession that you find out about right when Ruth opens her mouth.

I loved the relationship Ruth has with Vera, played by Izabella Alvarez. The two characters are complete opposites and it is funny to see how their relationship evolves throughout the movie. In the end, the two characters see eye to eye in a really funny way.

PC: What do you hope audiences take away after seeing the film?
Isabella: With everything going on in our world right now, I hope audiences can sit down with their families and laugh. It is a family comedy that everyone will love. At the end of the day, they get to be wowed by the magic and laugh at the great characters in the film. Everyone needs a little magic in their lives.

Pop Culturalist Speed Round

PC: Guilty pleasure TV show?
Isabella: Avatar: The Last Airbender

PC: Guilty pleasure movie?
Isabella: Clueless and Mean Girls.

PC: Favorite book?
Isabella: The Outsiders

PC: Favorite play or musical?
Isabella: Mean Girls, Wicked, and Beetlejuice.

PC: A band or artist that fans would be surprised to learn is on your playlist?
Isabella: Frank Sinatra and Aretha [Franklin].

PC: Who would play you in the story of your life?
Isabella: Jennifer Lawrence

To keep up with Isabella, follow her on Instagram.

Photo Credit: Sara Pine

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Kevin is a writer living in New York City. He is an enthusiast with an extensive movie collection, who enjoys attending numerous conventions throughout the year. Say hi on Twitter and Instagram!

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