New Music Friday: Leslie DiNicola Shines Much-Needed Light with Cover of “You Are My Sunshine”

Leslie DiNicola

During these challenging times, we need art and music more than ever. As fans and artists adjust to this new normal and do their part to fight this global pandemic, many, like singer-songwriter Leslie DiNicola, have found ways to give back.

Today she drops a beautiful rendition of “You Are My Sunshine,” a song Leslie hopes will bring much-needed light in these dark times. Pop Culturalist checked in with Leslie to see how she’s doing and to talk about her new single.

PC: We’re living in a time where there’s so much uncertainty. How have you been adjusting to this new normal?
Leslie: I consider myself to be very lucky because, so far, I have remained healthy and safe. I know there are so many people all over the world that can’t say the same. I have been home in my apartment in NYC for five weeks now, and it’s been a little bizarre. Because of my frequent tour schedule, I have never actually been home for this straight amount of time so I have been taking advantage of the opportunity to really settle in and try to enjoy things I never get a chance to—like cooking, baking, and going through my vinyl collection. There are so many records tucked way in the back that have been neglected for years.

A typical day for me starts by putting one of those on the turntable, making breakfast, reading up on the news, and then spending a few hours either writing or recording music—or both—from my home studio. I am being very mindful of keeping “screen time” to a minimum; no TV until after dark has been keeping me sane. Around 5 pm, I glove/mask up and go out for a long bike ride through Central Park. I like to time it so that I arrive home by 7 pm when everyone in the city hangs out their windows cheering and banging pots and pans in support of our health care workers. It’s a beautiful moment that I look forward to participating in every day. Our health care workers are true heroes, each and every one of them.

PC: You just released a cover of “You Are My Sunshine” to lift the spirits of people around the world. Tell us about your connection with the song.
Leslie: My connection to “You Are My Sunshine” runs a bit deep and personal. It is the song my best friend’s father used to sing to her when she was a child. He has always been like a second father to me just as she has always been like a sister.

Last year, he, unfortunately, suffered a stroke that he is still in the process of recovering from. Back when we were all in the hospital with him trying to encourage him to speak, one of his nurses suggested that we try getting him to sing because singing utilizes a different part of the brain than speaking does. Lo and behold, it worked like a charm and we had him singing “You Are My Sunshine” in seconds.

It was a really beautiful moment that I have thought about often during this crisis: people sitting in a room feeling alone, sad, and frightened joining together in song until what is being shared in harmony becomes greater than what has been lost.

PC: You’ve released a few different covers throughout the years. Does this one feel extra special given the circumstance?
Leslie: It definitely does. Usually when I sit down to record a cover one of the first things I do is call in my producer and/or my favorite musicians to all start laying down the parts. But I don’t get to sit in a room with my fellow artists anymore, and I don’t know when I will. So, for now, I am the band. I harmonize with myself and I record each part until what I am creating feels whole.

Take a listen to the single below and follow Leslie on Twitter and Instagram.

Leslie DiNicola


Kevin is a writer living in New York City. He is an enthusiast with an extensive movie collection, who enjoys attending numerous conventions throughout the year. Say hi on Twitter and Instagram!

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