Exclusive Interview: Pop Culturalist Chats with Tacoma FD’s Hassie Harrison

Hassie Harrison

Hassie Harrison stars as Lucy McConky on truTV’s laugh-out-loud new comedy, Tacoma FD. Created by legendary Broken Lizard comedy troop, Kevin Heffernan and Steve Lemme, Tacoma FD follows a group of firefighters who happen to live in one of the wettest cities in America. As you could imagine, that leaves the team with a lot of downtime. They keep themselves entertained with creative competitions, friendly rivalries, and bizarre emergency calls.

Hassie’s character, Lucy, is the first female firefighter on the squad, and this season we’ll watch her find her place at the station. Pop Culturalist sat down with rising star Hassie Harrison to chat about the series.

PC: Tell us about Tacoma FD, your character, and what drew you to this project.
Hassie: Tacoma FD is a comedy about firefighters in Tacoma, Washington. It’s developed by two of the guys from the Broken Lizard comedy troop, who I’ve always been big fans of. When this audition came across my desk, I knew getting to play in their world as the first female firefighter on the squad would be a dream come true.

PC: How similar or different are you to your character Lucy?
Hassie: Oh, I think I’m a lot like Lucy in most ways: I have a lot of guy friends and feel really comfortable hanging with the dudes. I think Lucy and I both share a really bubbly, fun-loving nature and a shared interest in having a good time and as many laughs as possible.

PC: What can you tease about Lucy’s arc in the first season?
Hassie: I think this season is so great because the audience is seeing this female enter a male-dominated space and figure out her place in this world. Lucy has fun finding light ways to explore gender stereotypes and lean into the comedic side of a serious, sometimes heavy career.

PC: Kevin Heffernan and Steve Lemme are legends in the industry. What was it like working alongside that comedic duo?
Hassie: They’re the worst! Just kidding! [laughs] They are honestly some of the most wonderful guys and that makes going to work every day an absolute treat. I am just trying to learn as much from them as possible. They have super quick minds—all my co-stars do—so I just love the challenge of holding my own with these guys.

PC: How did you discover your passion for acting?
Hassie: My mom was very involved in the Dallas Children’s theatre, so growing up, I was always taking classes and going to plays. I think I always knew this was going to be a part of my life’s path. My love of film also brought me here. I saw all these actors living it up and I wanted in on the fun!

PC: What’s been the biggest lesson you’ve learned being a part of this industry?
Hassie: I heard Amy Adams say this in an interview and it has helped me tremendously: “soft heart, thick skin.” It can be hard to be so open and vulnerable while still staying fortified for the business side of this art form. It took me a minute, but I think I’m really learning to get a hang of it.

Pop Culturalist Speed Round

PC: Guilty pleasure TV show?
Hassie: I don’t know if any of them are “guilty pleasures” so to speak, but Game of Thrones, The Office, and The Wire are some of my favorites.

PC: Guilty pleasure movie?
Hassie: Legally Blonde

PC: Favorite book?
Hassie: Ugh, I can’t pick one! The Great Gatsby, Fight Club, and A Visit from the Goon Squad.

PC: Favorite play or musical?
Hassie: I just saw Network with Bryan Cranston and it was incredible. Oh, and Kinky Boots!

PC: A band or artist that fans would be surprised to learn is on your playlist?
Hassie: I listen to a lot of weird stuff, but I’m really feeling Young Fathers, Arcade Fire, and DRAMA right now.

PC: Last show you binge-watched?
Hassie: Killing Eve

PC: Hidden talent?
Hassie: I’m a warrior of love—super brave with my heart.

To keep up with Hassie, follow her on Twitter and Instagram, and catch Tacoma FD Thursdays at 10:30/9:30c on truTV.


Kevin is a writer living in New York City. He is an enthusiast with an extensive movie collection, who enjoys attending numerous conventions throughout the year. Say hi on Twitter and Instagram!

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  1. […] an interview with Pop Culturalist, while discussing her love of acting, the actress mentioned the […]

  2. […] an interview with Pop Culturalist, while discussing her love of acting, the actress mentioned the […]

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