5 Fun Facts with Travelers’ Patrick Gilmore

It’s not every day that an actor has a character created for them, but that’s exactly what happened to Patrick Gilmore. His role as David Mailer on the Netflix original, Travelers, was crafted specifically with him in mind by creator Brad Wright, and with talent like Patrick’s, we understand why. The pair, who previously worked together on Stargate Universe, are back at it again, bringing fans another extraordinary season of Travelers. We spoke with Patrick to learn a little bit more info on one of our favorite actors.
1. He has a fascination with Ernest Hemingway.
“I received my degree in English Literature and have always had a particular fascination with Hemingway…so much so, that I’ve started following in his footsteps around the world, from exploring Havana and the beaches of Cuba, to climbing Kilimanjaro in East Africa. Next up? Perhaps a month in Paris? Big game fishing? A destructive appetite for cigars and booze? Or maybe the Running of the Bulls?”
2. He enjoys flying.
“My Dad is a pilot and I grew up flying around Western Canada in small planes. Some of my earliest chores were pumping the water out of the pontoons of our Cessna 185 on floats. I am currently in the process of getting my private pilot’s license. It’s taken me longer than I hoped because TV insurance doesn’t cover my “reckless whims”…at least that’s how my agent put it.”
3. His role on Travelers was written for him.
“The role of David Mailer on the Netflix show Travelers was written specifically for me by Brad Wright. I had previously worked with Brad on Stargate Universe and we got along like a house on fire…if houses on fire were a fun, creatively fulfilling thing. Right before my second audition for Travelers, Brad pulled me aside and told me this little fact, patted me on the back and said, ‘No pressure.’”
4. He’s a singer.
“I joined an alternative rock band right out of high school called Lolligagger. We loved to play live, partied as was expected, and were just starting to record an album when priorities changed and we all went our separate ways. I’ve never felt more creative than when I rehearsed with the band, and I’ve never been more convinced of going to hell than when I partied with the band.”
5. He just met Harrison Ford!
“Look, bragging is an ugly thing to do. Having said that…I recently met Harrison Ford, and that clearly makes me better than everyone, aside from Mr. Ford, of course. He told me to keep working on getting my pilot’s license and to keep acting. He then shook my hand, which, from what I understand, means I’m going to heaven. It all evens out.”
Make sure to follow Patrick on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, and check out the new season of Travelers on Netflix today!
Photo Credit: Karolina Turek
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