This episode of Younger has a moment that has been brewing since, well, the end of last season. I’ll just say it now: there’s a Charles versus Josh moment you won’t want to miss!
The Empirical summer picnic is looming. Not only do Empirical staff come to Charles’s gorgeous mansion, but authors are invited as well. So, naturally, Pauline is going to come, and Liza is a little on edge about the whole thing. Leading up to the picnic, Charles tells his friend Bob (Bob whose daughter is Caitlin’s college roomie, remember) that he has a new lady in his life (i.e. Liza). Bob tells his wife who tells Pauline who complains to Liza that Charles is probably seeing a hot young girl. Just wait until you find out what’s really happening Pauline!
Anoth picnic guest is Josh. Wait, why is he is guest? Well, Kelsey had the brilliant idea to sign Josh on to do a coloring book. All of his tattoo designs make wonderful adult coloring book illustrations; adult coloring books, if you haven’t heard, are a big market right now. Josh has brought along Clare, of course, but you can see the tension he has around Charles.
Stepping back, for a second, to earlier in the episode: Josh took Clare on their first actual date to a Mexican restaurant. Clare, having never tried jalepenos, proceeds to eat a bunch. Later, when things start getting steamy back at Josh’s apartment, Clare hot jalepeno hands are all over Josh’s bits…and start to burn them. Let’s just say, Josh gets frisky with a carton of yogurt rather than Clare….
So, back to the picnic. There is a potato sack race, and everyone is participating. Josh really really wants to beat Charles. And, you know what? He does beat him. Like actually physically beats him by punching him in the face. The only thing missing is Josh’s mic drop (although, figuratively, all the money he was going to make from his adult coloring book was dropped on that lawn once the punch was thrown so…).
Kelsey is majorly confused, but Josh and Clare leave. Liza goes running after Charles to make sure his face is alright (it is). They make out, and Charles asks her to spend the night. She refuses because, well, she is lying to him; also, things with Pauline are complicated. When Liza starts to leave, Kelsey confronts her, and Liza explains to her why Josh never went through with the proposal (Charles and Liza kissing in the Hamptons), and Kelsey is shocked. She warns Liza not to sleep with Charles because nothing good ever comes of inner-office romances. Clearly, Liza is eventually going to ignore Kelsey’s advice, and we can’t wait!
Our Favorite Moments
“You know I’m just gonna sit here every single night until you can hang out.” -Josh to Clare. I’m surprised she held off going on a date with him as long as she did.
“Jalepenis.” I mean, that phrase is golden, and the situation was tears-inducing-laughter-filled (Kelsey’s face? Priceless.).
“You set him up with a girl and a job? Later on we have to have a chat about not being a doormat.” -Diana to Liza after learning that Josh is going to publish the coloring book with them. #PreachGirl
Photo Credit: TVLand
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