Younger S4E4: Seeing Pink

This week on Younger, Liza gets her promotion to Associate Editor (but, naturally, stays on as Diana’s assistant), there’s a lot of pink, and Kelsey gets a sexy banter partner.
Shortly after meeting Empirical’s resident (and money-making) romance writer, Belinda Lacroix, Liza finds her dead in the bathroom. A very pink (her signature color) funeral ensues with a who’s who of the literary world. During the service, Kelsey tries to subtly poach a male spy author, Lachlan Flynn, from another house. His editor happens to be an extremely well-dressed and attractive man, Zane Anders (Charles Michael Davis). Later, Zane finds out about Kelsey’s sly maneuvering and sexy banters his way into a date with Kelsey. Their chemistry and back-and-forth dialogue is sure to be a teaser of what’s to come.
In other Kelsey news, she’s quickly forgiven Liza after last week’s “Liza is a great mom” scene (to the slight chagrin of Josh. Although he doesn’t say a word about why he actually ended things…cough, cough Charles’s kiss). And they’re bffs again just in time, too, because it’s Liza’s birthday. At Empirical, she’s turning 27. In real life, she’s turning 41. Kelsey is all about Liza dating again, and so she takes her to a fancy bar with men Liza’s age. She inadverantly gives Liza the best birthday present: a hot architect named Diego, sitting alone at the bar. Later, Liza throws caution to the wind and sleeps with Diego…only to discover he has a wife sitting back in Connecticut. Whoops.
And one final small tidbit from this week’s Younger: Lauren and Max broke up. So, prepare yourselves for what’s sure to be some hilarious dating moments from her in the next few episodes!
Our favorite moments:
“Men decide romance is silly, and women feel embarrassed reading it.” -Belinda Lacroix (Lois Smith)
“Men come and go. I’ve married and buried several. But those women in pink hats have gotten me through a lot.” -another great one liner from Belinda
“I hate wearing pink. It’s like Barbie’s dream funeral.” -Diana
“I am booed up, and I am bored.” -Lauren
“Try not to be so obvious and watch me walk away this time. If I can be a gentleman, you can be a lady.” -Zane zings Kelsey is the best way possible.
Photo Credit: TV Land
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