Younger Recap 2.8: The Doctor Is In

This week’s episode of Younger begins with some celebratory news from Josh. T magazine (aka the New York Times‘s magazine) wants to profile Josh as part of a “Young Creatives” issue. In true sweet Josh fashion, he invites Liza to be with him during his several-days-long interview process. In true Liza fashion, she says no because she’s nervous they’ll out her with her real age. Over the next few days, Josh keeps inviting Liza out as he’s hanging out with Greta, but Liza constantly turns him down. Liza assumes Josh is ok with it. He may be the sweetest and most accommodating man ever, but he still has feelings, Liza!
Kelsey and Liza meet with a psychologist shopping around a book about young 20-somethings (fittingly called The Deciding Decade) to add to Millenial’s list. It’s a hot commodity so naturally they run into Cheryl Sussman who is also interested in the book. If you recall, Cheryl knows Diana AND knows that Liza is not really in her 20s. I smell trouble.
Dr. Wray gives the gals some relationship advice: “Beware the no criteria relationship.” This, naturally, makes Kelsey think about her relationship with Thad. Later that evening, Thad takes Kelsey to a work cocktail party where she wows the socks off Thad’s boss. Despite her stellar performance, Thad still acts like a gross frat boy by telling Kelsey they should celebrate with a three-way.
When Liza finally does a quick “drive-by” of Josh’s photo shoot, they have an awkward moment introducing Greta “this is my really good friend, liza”. “i really want to kiss you.” his look as liza walks away. To add insult to injury, Liza ditches lunch with Josh bc Cheryl Sussman threatens to reveal her age to Dr. Wray. Cheryl really wants that book.
Thank goodness Liza admits to someone else her true age, even if it is self-serving. Very very smart of her to become a patient of Dr. Wray’s to keep things confidential. Of course, Dr. Wray decides to sign on with Millenial because of Liza’s confession–and her agreement to be an anonymous case study within in it.
We soon discover that Kelsey broke up with Thad; she finally decided not to waste anymore time on him (thanks Dr. Wray’s pep-talk). So, Kelsey decides to celebrate her birthday with Liza and crew at Stanton Social. When Liza arrives, Kelsey and Lauren show Liza Josh’s interview (that is apparently published at the speed of light). They are pissed saying, “It’s basically a glossy Tinder profile.” Liza says nothing. She doesn’t tell them that she didn’t want to be in the article. She doesn’t defend him. Her feeble “It’s ok” lines are awful. When Josh arrives and gets a lashing from Kelsey, Liza once again stands idly by. LIZA YOU ARE AN IDIOT.
Then, on the opposite side of the spectrum, Thad pulls a 180 and shows up to propose to Kelsey. His proposal was surprisingly good: “You deserve everything that you want, and I want to give that to you. You hit all the criteria that I’m looking for and a couple that I never ever thought of.” Do we dare hope that Thad is actually going to turn over a new leaf and NOT be a douche? I guess we’ll find out next week…
“There is no perfect plan to getting your life right.” -Liza
“Actually it’s kind of weird. The more I talk to Greta, the more I realize how big a part of my story you actually are….but I can’t tell her that so I’m making stuff up.” -Josh. Liza, how did your heart not melt slash break?!
“That’s cute. Assistants don’t have lunch. They fetch lunch.” -Diana
“The truth is going to catch up with you every now and then. Get used to it.” Wise words from a balls of steel Cheryl Sussman. Perhaps this is even some foreshadowing.
“Now that you’ve said your age, it’s completely obvious. I can’t unsee it.” -Dr Wray
“I can’t be in your life. You can’t be in my life. When, hmm? I can’t do this anymore.”-Josh. As much as it pained me to see Josh break up with Liza, I totally wanted to pat him on the back and cheer him on. You go, boy.
Photo Credit: TV Land
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