Younger Recap 2.10: Tell the Truth

Without another word about the hot yet gross sheep farmer from last week, Younger delves back into Liza and Josh. Liza starts her workday seeing Josh in the party pages of the newspaper…with his new lady, Greta (have I said that I think she’s the worst?!). So, Diana takes Liza out to lunch (see, I knew she was a nice softie under her hard, sassy shell). At lunch, they run into a publishing associate that Diana knows; her assistant invites Liza to a publishing mixer for the younger crowd. At both Diana and Kelsey’s urgings, Liza goes.
Once Liza is at the mixer, though, it’s not just publishing tips and networking. Liza learns that Kelsey’s fiancé, Thad, has not changed at all. Turns out, he is still a terrible human. According to rumors, he’s continued to sleep with young, pretty assistants at his office–and in the bathroom stalls, of all places! One of the girls Liza met promises to send her proof.
In the meantime, Kelsey is in the midst of wedding planning. Lauren has become a crazy planner, taking over Kelsey’s wedding with ridiculous ideas (like falcons). Seeing her wedding disaster flashing before her eyes, Kelsey gets Lauren to plan the engagement party (in hopes that she won’t touch the wedding).
As the planning continues, it’s Caitlin’s birthday (Liza’s daughter). The whole family gathers for dinner–Liza, Caitlin, and Liza’s ex-husband, David. The wine flows, memories are shared, and, after Caitlin departs to celebrate with her friends, sparks fly. David is super into this new younger-seeming Liza. Obviously, they end up sleeping together again. *Insert morning-after shame*….Liza, you brought it onto yourself.
Then, we’re back to the now-planned engagement party for Kelsey and Thad. Lauren apparently got her way with having a falcon at the party. There’s also a foto-robot. Oh, Lauren. Liza keeps watching Thad as he chats up a lady at the party. Liza gets a text message; she opens it to find a video of Thad getting down and dirty in a bathroom stall. So, the publishing gals were right. As Liza watches the video, we see Thad watching over her shoulder! Looks like the cat’s out of the bag…will Kelsey discover the truth next week?
“Nice? This is a power booth, Liza. From here we can see and be seen. And, it was lit by the same guy who did Angela Lansbury’s return to Broadway so from two booths back, we look like infants.” Diana, always dependable for a laugh.
“Invest in yourself. Put everything into your career. It’ll pay off. Romance is incidental. Work hard enough, and you’ll always have a job.” Pretty solid advice, Diana…except for the no romance thing.
“You do not look safe in those boots. When did you start wearing boots like that?” (David) “About the time I started wearing hot underwear…like this!” (Liza) Then Liza flashes her ex. Whoa girl. Keep your bum covered.
“I do not want a predator flying around with our rings in it’s mouth.” Every bride would agree with you, Kelsey!
“I am not wearing a see-through wedding dress…I don’t want my grandmother seeing my Hello Kitty.” (Kelsey) Um, agreed. No one wants to see that.
Photo Credit: TV Land
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