The Bachelor Recap: Group Date Groupie

Season 20 | Episode Six
So last week we were all left wondering what exactly did Ben need to speak to Olivia for? He asks her about what the other ladies have said about her. All I hear is Charlie Brown’s teachers, but it must’ve been enough for Ben because Olivia gets to keep her rose. Shocker everyone hates it. But Olivia’s all, “Come at me, Bro!” And everyone else can just suck it!
Anywho, one by one Ben gives the remaining roses out to Caila, Lauren B., JoJo, Becca, Leah, and Emily. Since Lauren H. and Amanda already have roses, that means Jennifer is going home. While I’m sure she’s a lovely human being, I forgot she was even on the show.
Now it’s time to pack up and go to the BAHAMAS!
The ladies arrive at their suite and pop the champagne. Chris Harrison arrives but before he hands them the first date card, he drops the bomb that there will be a dreaded 2-on-1 date this week, in addition to the 1-on-1 and group date.
And the first date goes to Caila! “Let’s see if our love is reel. – Ben.” Leah pouts, like a lot, and just like Jennifer, I’m left wondering if she had been on the show this entire time. Don’t worry she’s sure to make her presence known later in the episode.
All Deep Down in There
These two are heading to do some deep sea fishing. Ben says he needs more time with Caila, but Caila said some of the girls were less than thrilled for her to get a second one-on-one when someone hasn’t even had a first one yet. But Caila isn’t about to call any of them out for their stink eye. Good job!
Back at the hotel, Leah is crying in the bathroom with Lauren H. Saying, “I look like a fool … I don’t know why he would keep me here to do this to me … he’s not taking that leap with me.” And thanks to the awesome editing let’s cut to Caila and Ben leaping into the sea. So he can take a leap, just not with you silly girl.
Now back to someone that matters, Ben must know if Caila is really this bubbly and smiley creature at all times. He wants to know how she reacts when her partner is sad or going through a difficult time. But Caila feels put on the spot. She says she feels like she loves him, but she doesn’t know why she can’t open up. I can tell you why, because she’s a grounded human being. She’s scared that she can’t 100% love someone (?) and because Benny Boy already feels like he is unlovable, she feels like she’s going to hurt him. he doesn’t feel like he is loveable. So, she’s afraid she’s going to hurt him. Is she ready to find somebody? She thinks so, they understand each other, this is real happiness, and blah blah blah. ALL THE FEELS! Ben said she’s confusing but apparently he thinks that’s sexy. A rose it is! But all I can think about is if these people ever eat their dinner?!?! Aww now she wants to give him a rose in return. Eww. I feel nothing when they kiss, are they even touching?
Pigs Gone Wild
So, Lauren B., Becca, Amanda, JoJo, Lauren H. and Leah get to swim around with the pigs on this awesome group date. And by the process of elimination, you guys can hopefully figure out what that means! Yes, we will be treated to a 2-on-1 with Emily and OLIVIA!
These ladies are all worried about sharks. They should be worried about the fact that they are in a boat in what seems to be the beginning of a hurricane rolling in. But there’s a pig in the water! Little piggy pigs. Becca didn’t know I was scared of pigs until today. Thank goodness she didn’t end up with our farmer, Chris Soules! JoJo feels like she’s at a bar in Dallas, there are pigs everywhere! (Har-dee-har-har.)
After a couple cuts to Lauren B. and Ben in the water, this group date has taken a weird awkward turn. Ben says he’s feeling uncomfortable. To make the weirdness worse, Leah asks him why she didn’t get the one-on-one. Names herself the group date groupie. Ben asks if she can make the most of this day with him? Please? But she just thinks he’s an idiot for not giving her a chance.
Time for night time drinking! Ben pulls Becca away first. Tells her he feels like she was standoffish today. She said she was due to the apparent connection he had with Lauren B. But she is still really feeling it because she stills really, really, really likes him. They kiss, all is well. Same goes for Amanda.
Back at the hotel, the 2-on-1 date card arrives. “Two women, one rose. One stays, one goes. – Chris Harrison.“ The note inside, “Let’s sea what the Bahamas has in store for us. – Ben.” Olivia said she feels like she will be babysitting a child, even though they are the same age, and that she is still going to treat it like a one-on-one.
Back to the group date, where a storm in brewing outside, Lean and Ben get to talk. She feels like there are women in the house that aren’t being real with him. She doesn’t like drama but without saying her name basically tells him Lauren B. isn’t who he thinks she is and it wouldn’t work out in the end. Tada, Lauren B. appears!
Ben tells Lauren what was said about her. She’s like how so? She doesn’t know why someone would say that. I don’t really believe it either Lauren and I don’t think Ben does either, don’t worry. Now, she’s crying with the girls, so she says something and of course none of the others feel that way. Leah denies it. Bitch. Seriously? Woman up!
And on that note, the group date goes to, Amanda!
After the date, Lauren B. is talking with Amanda and Emily about what was said. But all I’m wondering is why Amanda is petting Emily.
Cut to Leah walking to Ben’s room to talk to him, determined to get some of the girls sent home. In the end, Ben sends her home, and I was left clapping in my living room.
Baby-Sitters Club
Olivia feels like this is her first one-on-one to the man she’s going to marry. Emily, Ben, and her get on a boat where I’m hoping one of them goes overboard. At this point, I’m not even picky about which one that is. Olivia just keeps blabbing about her all-consuming love with Ben.
When they make landfall, Olivia gets time with him first. (Duh.) He asks her about last week and her relationship with the other ladies. It’s Kelsey and Ashley all over again. Blah blah blah … talking about herself again … deep intellectual things are her jam … had a deep realization and it is that she loves him.
Emily is up next! Ben says he loves the growth he has seen in Emily since she’s the remaining twin. They go back, then Ben pulls Olivia away again, with the rose. Cue Emily freaking out. Olivia just keeps talking, I don’t think she understood what was happening. Gosh, why is she still talking?!?!?!?! Ben FINALLY tells her that he can’t reciprocate the feelings and he can’t give her the rose. Yes!!! Mr. Higgins for President.
Back at the hotel, they take Olivia’s suitcase, all the girls are shocked. Cut back to Olivia, I just noticed how much facial hair she has. Boo-hoo.
Ben’s not playing around tonight, the cocktail party is canceled, straight to the rose ceremony guys! So Becca, JoJo, and the final rose goes to … Lauren B. I’ll miss ya Lauren H.
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