
Younger Recap 2.12: When it Rains, it PoursYounger Recap 2.12: When it Rains, it Pours

Younger Recap 2.12: When it Rains, it Pours

This is it, folks. The season finale of season 2 of Younger. Buckle your seat belts. It's going to be…

9 years ago
Younger Recap 2.11: ExposedYounger Recap 2.11: Exposed

Younger Recap 2.11: Exposed

Younger's episode tonight was quite a doozy. From dress-up (or dressing down, depending on how you look at it) to…

9 years ago
Younger Recap 2.10: Tell the TruthYounger Recap 2.10: Tell the Truth

Younger Recap 2.10: Tell the Truth

Without another word about the hot yet gross sheep farmer from last week, Younger delves back into Liza and Josh.…

9 years ago
Don’t Play Hooky from TeachersDon’t Play Hooky from Teachers

Don’t Play Hooky from Teachers

Last year, TV Land gave us Younger. This year, we can thank them for Teachers. Haven't heard of it? It's a new…

9 years ago
Younger Recap 2.9: Liza and Some Little LambsYounger Recap 2.9: Liza and Some Little Lambs

Younger Recap 2.9: Liza and Some Little Lambs

Younger opens with Liza baking. Like a fiend....She finally admits to someone (Maggie, so does it really count?) that Josh's…

9 years ago
Younger Recap 2.7: Hotels Are Better Than TentsYounger Recap 2.7: Hotels Are Better Than Tents

Younger Recap 2.7: Hotels Are Better Than Tents

Josh and his band are headed to play a music festival upstate, and Liza is going to meet them there…

9 years ago
Younger Recap 2.6: 26-Year Old Massages Cure EverythingYounger Recap 2.6: 26-Year Old Massages Cure Everything

Younger Recap 2.6: 26-Year Old Massages Cure Everything

Hello, 40-year-old shoulder! Liza wakes up barely able to list her right arm past shoulder height. After hearing a litany…

9 years ago
Younger Recap 2.5: Boy ToyYounger Recap 2.5: Boy Toy

Younger Recap 2.5: Boy Toy

Liza wakes up in Josh's bed to the news that Caitlin has started following Josh's band on Instagram. Liza is…

9 years ago
Younger Recap 2.4: The EmpiricondaYounger Recap 2.4: The Empiriconda

Younger Recap 2.4: The Empiriconda

This episode of Younger starts off with a bang! Maggie and Lauren have a bedroom scene! We finally see Maggie…

9 years ago