gilmore girls

Gilmore Girls: 5 Things That We Wished Were DifferentGilmore Girls: 5 Things That We Wished Were Different

Gilmore Girls: 5 Things That We Wished Were Different

Gilmore Girls fans rejoiced when Netflix finally aired the eagerly awaited follow-up to the hit television show. Original creators, Amy…

8 years ago
Man Crush Monday: Milo VentimigiliaMan Crush Monday: Milo Ventimigilia

Man Crush Monday: Milo Ventimigilia

Milo Ventimigilia is coming back to television, everybody! He will be on NBC's new fall show, This is Us as…

8 years ago
MTV Announces Nominees for Third Fandom AwardsMTV Announces Nominees for Third Fandom Awards

MTV Announces Nominees for Third Fandom Awards

We here at Pop Culturalist are all about our fandoms. So, we were super excited when MTV announced nominees for…

9 years ago
#TBT: Best Gilmore Girls Moments#TBT: Best Gilmore Girls Moments

#TBT: Best Gilmore Girls Moments

Gilmore Girls may have ended nine years ago (#WeAreOld), but enthusiasm for the show has only grown in recent years. That…

9 years ago
#TBT: 9 Favorite Female TV Characters#TBT: 9 Favorite Female TV Characters

#TBT: 9 Favorite Female TV Characters

For our last #TBT in this month of strong women, we’re rounding up our favorite badass female characters from nine stupendous…

9 years ago