Pop Culturalist Chats with Take Two’s Xavier de Guzman

Former Thai boxer Xavier de Guzman caught the acting bug after landing his first on-camera role on ABC’s Rookie Blue. Since then, he’s decided to hang up his gloves and dedicate his time to honing his craft and delivering knockout performances on Designated Survivor, Covert Affairs, and now the breakout summer hit, Take Two. In it, Xavier stars alongside Eddie Cibrian and Rachel Bilson as Berto, the tech side kick to P.I., Eddie Valetik. We spoke with Xavier about the role, how technology keeps his character grounded, and an exciting new project he has coming out.
PC: Tell us about Take Two, your character, and what drew you to this project.
Xavier: I play Roberto Vasquez, the tech side kick to P.I., Eddie Valetik. The most intriguing aspect about him that, I feel, separates him from a lot of other “tech guy” roles, is that he’s not your cliché computer “nerd” that is typically portrayed in detective procedurals.
PC: How much of Xavier is in Berto? How did you prepare for the role?
Xavier: Berto is definitely a past version of Xavier. I used to be active in the coding language, so that made me familiar with computers, but now, as much as technology is taking over the world, I’m personally taking a step back from the high-speed world of the internet and data communications. I’m generally a much calmer and laid-back person, but I try to always give Berto some kind of information to process and keep him in a state of needing to be “in the know.”
PC: What does technology represent for your character?
Xavier: Technology is everything to Berto. It’s what keeps him grounded in the present. In the past, however, technology was his outlet to stay out of trouble, even though it ended up getting him into trouble, but that’s what ultimately brought him to Eddie.
PC: Berto is Eddie’s assistant and sidekick. How did you and Eddie build that camaraderie?
Xavier: Off-set, I looked to Eddie (Cibrian, not his character, Valetik) for inspiration as an actor to better my skills and he was always happy to play with the scenes, which helped me grow as an actor. That relationship, in turn, translated into Berto looking to Eddie for approval because he has the skills to find that electronic information since Valetik is opposed to that side of the technological world.

PC: What can you tease about your character’s arc this season?
Xavier: The cases get tougher and the relationship growth between Sam Swift and Valetik becomes more and more interesting to witness. At the same time, Berto becomes more confident in making discoveries and proves his knowledge to be a huge asset to Eddie.
PC: Take Two is about second chances. If you could go back in time and redo something in your life, what would it be and why?
Xavier: I’ve always wondered this, not to have a different outcome, but always thought, “If I had done something different, would I still end up in the current profession and position in life that I’m in right now?” I’m quite happy with the once-regretted moments that I’ve now come to terms with, one of those being failing grade 11 English class. I hated English class back in the day, but funny enough, being in a profession that encourages the mastery of the language, I’m now completely enamored with words.
PC: Besides Take Two, do you have any other upcoming projects that you can chat about?
Xavier: July 27 will be the premiere of a movie I played a large principal in. Our House is a reboot of the horror classic Ghost in a Time Machine. Also, I have a fun little role in one of the episodes of the sketch show Baroness Von Sketch Show where I play a stripper. [laughs]
Pop Culturalist Speed Round
PC: Guilty pleasure TV show?
Xavier: I love anything that involves a theatrically trained actor who has progressed from film to small screen. Currently waiting for season two of Counterpart.
PC: Guilty pleasure movie?
Xavier: Anything with Sandra Bullock
PC: Favorite book?
Xavier: Toss-up between Dan Brown’s Inferno and Paulo Coelho’s The Alchemist.
PC: Favorite play or musical?
Xavier: Rent and Disney’s The Kid
PC: A band or artist that fans would be surprised to learn is on your playlist?
Xavier: Underground hip-hop artist Kid Kold, Soca’s JusWata, or country’s Big & Rich
PC: Last show you binge-watched?
Xavier: 13 Reasons Why
PC: Hidden talent?
Xavier: The fastest I’ve solved a Rubik’s Cube is 90 seconds.
Make sure to follow Xavier on Twitter and Instagram, and catch Take Two every Thursday at 10/9c.
Photo Credit: Noah Asanias
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