Pop Culturalist Chats with Miriam Morales

If you’re a fan of Netflix’s hit series, Orange is the New Black, then you are probably familiar with actress Miriam Morales (she plays Pidge). A native of Long Island, New York, Miriam has performed in a number of television shows and indie films. Not to constrict herself to just acting, Miriam also writes. Pop Culturalist was happy to sit down with her to learn a little more about her experiences in the acting and writing worlds.
Questions on Orange is the New Black
PC: How has it been working on Orange is the New Black?
Miriam: Literally, it’s been a dream come true working on the show. It’s amazing that I get to wake up knowing that my job entails going to the set of the show I visualized working on. I am highly aware and appreciative of the opportunity. I never want to lose sight of that so practicing gratitude is key. Beautiful friendships have formed and, in their own unique way, each relationship has been a blessing. So, yeah, working on the show has been incredible and a huge blessing.
PC: What has it been like working on such a female-driven show?
Miriam: Working on a female-driven show has been incredible and being surrounded by them is such a blessing. It’s empowering for sure. Overall, there tends to be a lack of female representation in media. However, thanks to [Jenji Kohan, the show’s creator] and Netflix, the show has done a tremendous job of contributing to changing that narrative.
PC: What has been your favorite moment as Pidge?
Miriam: I’ve said this before, but I would be lying if I said something else. My favorite moment as Pidge would be when she punches Dwight in episode 6 (sorry Shannon!). That was so liberating. To be physical like that and not having someone stop her.
PC: What would you like to see in Pidge’s future on OITNB?
Miriam: I would like to see an overall growth in Pidge. There’s this toughness to her, and it would be great to see more of that. But she also has a lot of heart; I’d like to see that develop more too.
PC: If you could play another character on the show, who would it be?
Miriam: Hands down Suzanne “Crazy Eyes” Warren! That would be so much fun.
Questions on Your Other Work
PC: What is your dream role?
Miriam: Great question. A dream role would be something like the younger version of La Lupe; what a dynamic and strong personality. When I read When I Was Puerto Rican by Esmeralda Santiago, I connected to it a lot and remember thinking, “If they ever did a movie about her life I’d love to play her.” So portraying Esmeralda is on the list.
PC: You’re also a writer–how do you approach writing versus how you approach a new acting role?
Miriam: A new role may require a lot of research, and, sometimes, I like to do as much of that as possible before diving into fully developing a character. I write what I feel when I’m feeling it, or when I’m inspired. It can be a poem, a sentence–whatever. I always make note of it. If I need to research something for my writing, I tend to do that after and I just go back and edit or rewrite if need be. That works better for me.
PC: Are there any writers/playwrights/etc. that have inspired you?
Miriam: So many! I love reading books by Latino/Latin American writers, and the authors of the ones I’ve read I find inspiring. People like Junot Diaz, Isabel Allende, Esmeralda Santiago, and Julia Alvarez. Learning about the experiences of others, identity, and history (specifically of Latinos) are my favorites. As for playwrights, the first name that comes to mind is James Baldwin.
PC: Is there a subject you’d like to write about, or an issue you’d like to tackle in your writing in the future?
Miriam: Oh definitely. Mental health is an issue that is not talked about within the Latino community. That’s something I’d like to tackle in my writing. Also, biculturalism: the feeling of not belonging, of never being “good enough” or accepted in either culture (Latino and American). Anyone that knows me knows I’m all about motivating and inspiring–that’s a goal in my writing.
Pop Culturalist Speed Round
Favorite Play/Musical
Miriam: Rent
Guilty pleasure TV show
Miriam: The Real Housewives of Orange County
Guilty pleasure Movie
Miriam: Bridesmaids
Favorite Book
Miriam: The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao
PC: What would be surprising to people to see in your music collection
Miriam: Country
Be sure to follow Miriam on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook!
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