Pop Culturalist Chats with Kate Flannery

For nine seasons, Kate Flannery had audiences laughing-out-loud as the socially inappropriate Meredith Palmer on NBC’s The Office. Her standout performance established her as one of Hollywood’s funniest actresses. And now, she’s bringing that impeccable comedic timing to the Hulu and AwesomenessTV collaboration, All Night. The series follows a group of graduates who are locked in their high school for one final hurrah. Kate’s character, Principal Saperstein, is there to keep things in order. Pop Culturalist spoke with Kate about the role, how Principal Saperstein is unlike any character she’s played before, and whether Meredith and Principal Saperstein would get along.
PC: Tell us about All Night, your character, and what drew you to this project.
Kate: The show is about a group of high school seniors who spend one final night together. It’s a tradition that all the graduates are locked up without their cellphones. It’s one last chance for them to get everything out of their system. I play Principal Saperstein. She’s unlike any of the characters that I’ve played. She’s the person who’s trying to keep the lid on all the insanity.
I was drawn to this project because I heard Brian Dannelly was directing and producing. It’s a fun concept to have an entire season happen over the course of one night. As an actor, it was a physical challenge [laughs] but a lot of fun. It’s crazy, a little soapy at times but in the best possible way, and well-balanced.
PC: How much of yourself is in your character?
Kate: [laughs] Well, I definitely think I’m more of one of the partying seniors than a principal. I do have a Type A personality, and I was able to play to that in this role. There’s a lot of layers to Principal Saperstein. She went to Yale and she’s scratching her head about how she ended up here. She could have gone in so many different directions.
PC: What do you think your character was like in high school?
Kate: Principal Saperstein had a strong trajectory. She was an academic. She was driven. In many ways, I think she’s similar to Allie Grant’s character, and that’s why she feels so maternal towards her.
PC: What can you tell us about that dynamic?
Kate: Any time a teacher mentors a student, there’s a sense of great pride when they do well, and great disappointment when they don’t. That sums up the dance that we’re doing between Allie’s character and mine.
PC: The graduates take part in a lot of activities throughout the course of the season. Which one do you think your character would like to take part in?
Kate: Jell-O wrestling!
PC: In one of the episodes, the characters share where they believe they would be in the future. When you were in high school, did you ever imagine this is where life would lead you?
Kate: I’m one of the lucky ones. I always knew I wanted to be an actor and I got really lucky that I got to be one. I’m a late bloomer. I did so much stage and live comedy. Landing The Office was a whole new life for me. This is better than I ever could have imagined.
PC: There’s a lot of self-reflection throughout the season. If you could go back in time and give your younger self one piece of advice, what would it be and why?
Kate: I would say don’t worry about the jobs you don’t get. They only lead you to the jobs that you do get.

PC: How do you think brands like AwesomenessTV and Hulu are changing the industry and how we consume media?
Kate: TV is everywhere. I think it’s so great that we’re allowed to dive so deeply into a season. I certainly noticed it since The Office stopped airing. I think it’s more popular now than when we were on network television.
PC: How do you think Meredith and Principal Saperstein would have gotten along?
Kate: Not well! [laughs] I don’t think Meredith would like Principal Saperstein. She’s not a fan of order.
PC: Besides All Night, do you have any other upcoming projects that you can chat about?
Kate: I’ll be performing with Jane Lynch on the A Swingin’ Little Christmas tour. I’m also on a Cartoon Network show called OK K.O.! Let’s Be Heroes which is in its second season and currently airing.
Pop Culturalist Speed Round
PC: Guilty pleasure TV show?
Kate: Flip or Flop or Patrick Melrose! I love the tension between the pair on Flip or Flop, and I just started watching Patrick Melrose which takes place in the ’80s. It’s about a drug addict and I’m so drawn to it.
PC: Favorite book?
Kate: Just Kids by Patti Smith
PC: Favorite play or musical?
Kate: I’m going to give you my top three: Gypsy, Chorus Line, and Annie.
PC: Favorite social media platform?
Kate: I like Instagram and Twitter, but Instagram more because people are kinder on there. I’ve gotten a few cuts and scrapes from Twitter.
PC: Last show you binge-watched?
Kate: Stranger Things 2
PC: A band or artist that fans would be surprised to learn is on your playlist?
Kate: I love Gang of Four. They’re one of my favorites. They never sing about anything pleasant. [laughs]
PC: Hidden talent?
Kate: I can play the piano.
Make sure to follow Kate on Twitter and Instagram, and binge-watch the entire season of All Night on Hulu today.
Photo Credit: Rachael Thompson
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