Ones to Watch: Taron Egerton

Taron Egerton

Sharing the same screen with the likes of Colin Firth, Michael Caine, and Samuel L. Jackson is no easy feat. But, this Welsh heartthrob has proven he’s more than capable. In 2014, he played Gary “Eggsy” Unwin—bad boy turned spy—in Matthew Vaughn’s blockbuster: Kingsman: The Secret Service. The role established Taron Egerton as one of Hollywood’s breakout stars. Now, he can be seen in theaters as Eddie the Eagle, alongside Hugh Jackman. Taron’s love for acting started at a young age. He caught the bug after performing in Shakespeare’s A

The countdown to the 88th Academy Awards has begun, and February is winding down, so #TBT to some of our favorite romantic films that have walked away with the golden statue. In no particular order…   Shakespeare in Love I think women everywhere swooned when they saw Joseph Fiennes as the dashing, poetic English bard. The writing and performing of Romeo & Juliet, a tale practically everyone is familiar with, was the perfect backdrop to Shakespeare’s own love story. We laughed, we smiled, and we sighed as we watched Shakespeare

Game of Thrones’ star, Finn Jones, is heading to Netflix! It was announced earlier today that the English actor has landed the title role in Marvel’s Iron Fist. We couldn’t be more excited. There isn’t an actor more deserving. Iron Fist will be the fourth Marvel/Netflix collaboration. And, I’ll go out on a limb and say you’ve heard of: Daredevil, Jessica Jones, and the forthcoming Luke Cage. *Spoiler alert* It’s rumored all four will eventually join forces in The Defenders. Finn will play Danny Rand aka Iron Fist. If you’re

This week’s episode of Younger begins with some celebratory news from Josh. T magazine (aka the New York Times‘s magazine) wants to profile Josh as part of a “Young Creatives” issue. In true sweet Josh fashion, he invites Liza to be with him during his several-days-long interview process. In true Liza fashion, she says no because she’s nervous they’ll out her with her real age. Over the next few days, Josh keeps inviting Liza out as he’s hanging out with Greta, but Liza constantly turns him down. Liza assumes Josh

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