Well, all good things must come to an end. At least, that’s how the season finale of The Magicians felt. Preventing Fillory’s destruction by Ember was on the agenda which, in turn, would save all of magic. But happy endings rarely actually happen so we’re left wondering how our favorite six magicians are going to survive a world without magic. In the meantime, let’s recap our favorite moments from the season finale:
The Fairy Queen Makes That Dragon Look Nice
Remember that scary dragon guarding the door to the dead? The Fairy Queen is even scarier. We meet her bathing in flower petals and all I could think was, “I wonder if that’s the milk of dead babies.” That’s how callously evil she comes across. Considering how smart Margo is, I’m surprised that she didn’t see that “exacting a toll” thing coming for their exit out of the Fairy world (and now Margo gets to sport a very chic eye patch over her missing eye). This queen is going to give Margo a run for her money for sure.
Q and Julia Kill Fillory’s Gods
Um, what? My jaw dropped when Q actually used the enchanted sword from Julia to kill Ember (after, yes, Ember killed his brother, Umber). Considering how into Fillory both Julia and Q are, I’m surprised they didn’t think of any ripple effects from this insane plan. Like, in what universe would anyone think that killing of the creators would be a good thing? Hmm, I’m sensing a theme of not thinking ahead…
Kady Doesn’t Learn Her Lessons
To save Penny from whatever deadly poisoning he’s suffered from the Poison room, Kady agrees to help the deaf hedgewitch. So, Kady turns spy (again). Considering things did not go well the first time she was a spy for a hedgewitch, I’m really doubting that this time will be any better.
Sex Makes Alice (Semi) Normal Again
I’m super happy that niffin Alice is slowly returning to her human-ness and that it involves maybe-sorta getting back together with Quentin. It was so amusing that the path back to human involved really really good bacon followed by getting frisky in bed.
Julia, Julia, Julia
So, we knew that Julia was turning out to be one of the strongest magicians out of the six (even when I couldn’t stand her, I knew it), but now she really is. Why can she conjure some sparks of magic when no one else can? Is she destined to save all of magic?
With Alice on the run from whatever (or whomever) she harmed as niffin, Penny on the brink of death, and the magical world on the outs, we’ll be waiting with baited breath for season 3 of The Magicians!
Photo Credit: Eike Schroter/Syfy
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