Exclusive Interview: Pop Culturalist Chats with Son’s Luke David Blumm

Luke David Blumm

Luke David Blumm is one of Hollywood’s rising young stars. At just eleven years old, Luke has several big-time credits to his name such as Watchman, The Sinner, The Walking Dead, and The King of Staten Island.

Currently, he can be seen starring opposite Andi Matichak and Emile Hirsch in the must-see horror film, Son.

Pop Culturalist was lucky enough to speak with Luke about his leading role.

PC: Tell us about Son and your character in the film.
Luke: Son is a horror movie. It’s been one of my dreams since I became an actor to be in a horror film, and David is one of the characters that I connected with most—I felt a deep connection with David. Plus, we both play video games.

PC: You begged your dad to go to the audition. What was that audition process like?
Luke: When the audition came in, I was working on The Sinner in New York. I was sick at the time, and my dad said if they don’t have the role cast in a few weeks, we can go audition. I ended up auditioning, and they liked me! From there, we went to meet with Ivan [Kavanagh], the director. We drove out to Birmingham to meet him. He casually asked me, “Do you want the job?” I was like, “Yeah! I’ll take the job.” It was really cool.

PC: At the center of the film is the relationship between David and his mother. How did you and Andi [Matichak] build that bond?
Luke: I spoke with Andi on the phone before we started shooting. I knew she was going to be a great movie mom. I really liked her. She was really nice. The connection between David and his mom is very cool; his mom is his best friend.

PC: Throughout the film, we see the physical toll that the illness takes on your character. How did you prepare for those scenes?
Luke: My dad is an actor, and he used to be an acting coach as well, so he helps me prepare for film and TV. He helps me connect with the character. I felt such a strong connection with David, so that helped a lot. I had a lot of fun.

PC: Do you have a favorite scene in the movie that you’re excited for your fans to see?
Luke: I don’t want to give too much away, but there’s a scene at the end when I’m really sick. We got to experiment a lot with that scene. It was a lot of fun, and I can’t wait for people to see it.

Pop Culturalist Speed Round

PC: Favorite show?
Luke: Adventure Time.

PC: Favorite movie?
Luke: My favorite movie is the remake of It. I watched it a few years ago with my parents on Halloween. I’ve seen it like seventeen times now.

PC: Who is on your playlist?
Luke: Red Hot Chili Peppers.

PC: What is your dream role?
Luke: I think my dream role is David. I always wanted to do a horror movie; that’s always been a dream of mine. I hope I get to do more, but my mom doesn’t want me to. She gets scared easily. [laughs]

To keep up with Luke, follow him on Instagram. Son is out now in select theaters, On Demand, and Digital.

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Kevin is a writer living in New York City. He is an enthusiast with an extensive movie collection, who enjoys attending numerous conventions throughout the year. Say hi on Twitter and Instagram!

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