Exclusive Interview: Pop Culturalist Chats with Law & Order: Organized Crime’s Ainsley Seiger

Ainsley Seiger

Ainsley Seiger is a rising star to keep your eye on in 2021. Like her character Jet in Law & Order: Organized Crime, Ainsley is a silent observer who’s refined her craft by watching those she’s shared the stage and screen with. And there’s no greater scene partner than Chris Meloni. Pop Culturalist was lucky enough to chat with Ainsley about her breakout role in Law & Order: Organized Crime, what she’s learned on set, and what audiences can expect from her character.

PC: What attracted you to Law & Order: Organized Crime?
Ainsley: What really drew me to this show was that I’m a Law & Order fan myself. The idea of getting to work with Chris Meloni was really exciting to me, and that has lived up to its expectations. It’s been amazing and so fun. I love the show. I love everyone that I worked with. It’s been great.

PC: What was the audition process like?
Ainsley: It was interesting. I sent in two tapes of me doing scenes from the show. One of them was the scene in the pilot episode that I have with Stabler. I sent them in, and I didn’t hear back for about a week and a half. I was like, “I didn’t get it.” Then, I got a call a few hours later, “You’re moving to New York in three days.” It’s been very fast. It’s been a total rollercoaster.

PC: Being a fan of this franchise, did that bring any extra pressure or nerves?
Ainsley: Absolutely. I really wanted Jet to be unique and original. The writers have done an incredible job making Jet her own person and her own character outside of the stereotypical tech person that we all know exists. They’ve done an amazing job, and I get so excited to play her every day, but yeah, I was definitely nervous. I wanted to make a good impression, not only for the fans and network, but also for my castmates. Not to sound like a broken record, but I’m such a big fan of Chris Meloni, and he’s lived up to the hype. I always want to bring my A game when I’m working with him. There were definitely nerves, but it was really heartwarming to see the response that Jet has had.

PC: What have you learned from working with Chris? Has he shared any words of wisdom with you?
Ainsley: Chris is always dropping little nuggets of wisdom all over the place. This is probably where a bit of Jet comes out in me, but I learn more by watching him work and observing him doing a scene or the way that he conducts himself in the space; I learned by picking up on the things that he’s doing. He’s had such an amazing career, and it shows. I mean, just the way he walks into a room and his presence. He’s such a giving scene partner, too, which is really fulfilling. The biggest thing I’ve learned from him is to take up space.

PC: How similar or different are you to Jet?
Ainsley: There are definitely aspects of myself that are present in her, and we do share a brain, but I think a lot of what I connect to with her is the way that she’s a silent observer. She’s always listening. She’s always clocking what everyone’s saying. She’s always very, very observant, incredibly perceptive, and very smart. I function in a similar way. I would rather watch someone else be taught something and be able to translate it to my own brain than have the conversation myself.

PC: The show is returning on May 13th. What can you tease about what’s ahead for Jet this season?
Ainsley: I’m excited to see her leave the house a bit more. It was so exciting for me to get to leave the taskforce in episode four. Jet is getting in on the action. I’m looking forward to what people think about Jet contributing to the team in her very technological way, but the way that she can bring that out into the field. She’s going to get into a bit more live action.

Pop Culturalist Speed Round

PC: Guilty pleasure TV show?
Ainsley: The Good Place is such a good show. My guilty pleasure TV show is Ghost Adventures.

PC: Guilty pleasure movie?
Ainsley: I’ve watched Scott Pilgrim vs. the World probably more times than any human should ever watch a movie.

PC: Favorite book?
Ainsley: My favorite book is Les Misérables by Victor Hugo. I hate the musical. Love the book. I’ve read it more than fifty times. It is incredible.

PC: Favorite play or musical?
Ainsley: High School Musical.

PC: A band or artist that fans would be surprised to learn is on your playlist?
Ainsley: I love so many different bands and musicians. Like many Law & Order fans, I’m a huge Taylor Swift listener. I love her music so much. I listen to a lot of ’80s heavy metal music. One of my favorite songs is “Eye of the Tiger”, but I love anything that feels very appropriate to be angry to. I love Metallica. I love Motley Crew. I love Bon Jovi and ACDC.

PC: Dream role?
Ainsley: My dream role is anything remotely similar to Eleanor from The Good Place. She was one of the first characters on TV that I saw, and I was like, “That is me. That is me.” So, either Eleanor from The Good Place, or I also love Nick Miller from New Girl. I think that I would be a great Nick Miller.

To keep up with Ainsley, follow her on Twitter and Instagram. Watch new episodes of Law & Order: Organized Crime every Thursday at 10/9c.


Kevin is a writer living in New York City. He is an enthusiast with an extensive movie collection, who enjoys attending numerous conventions throughout the year. Say hi on Twitter and Instagram!

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