
Exclusive Interview: Pop Culturalist Chats with KTJ & Carly

Meet KTJ & Carly, the dynamic sister duo making their mark on the industry. Performers since the age of five, the pair have released their euphoric debut single, “On Your Mind”, which reflects the uncertainty of relationships and the unfortunate effects of being with someone who’s narcissistic and egotistical. With youthful energy, flawless harmonies, and expressive vocals, the track will be the only thing you have on your mind for days to come. Pop Culturalist recently caught up with KTJ & Carly to chat about the song and their careers.

PC: How did you both discover your passion for music?
KTJ: There wasn’t a defining moment when we knew music was our passion. Since growing up, music has always been a part of our lives. It was around eight or ten when we started to realize that this is what we were meant to do.

PC: Who or what has had the biggest influence on your career?
Carly: Our family! Music has always been a part of our dad’s life. He was in a rock band in his earlier ages…I think around the same age as we are right now. Our mom’s dad was also in a band. They were the ones who ingrained music in us at a really young age. My dad was the one who taught me how to play guitar. He always got us together every night so that we could have a little family jam session. It really inspired us musically to have someone in our lives like that.

PC: Tell us about your new single, “On Your Mind”. What inspired the song?
KTJ: A lot of the music that we write isn’t based on personal experiences. We like to use our imagination when storytelling, but this song actually comes from a personal space. We’ve both been in relationships where someone wasn’t right for us, but we couldn’t help but be intrigued and attracted to them. It’s about coming to the realization and telling someone that, “You’re narcissistic. Your ego is too big. I can’t have that in my life.”

PC: What was the process like selecting your debut single?
KTJ: It was hard since this is the beginning of our journey.

Carly: We’ve been writing together forever, but this was the first song we produced together.

KTJ: This was the first song that we really came together on, so it meant a lot for us to put it out.

PC: If you had to choose one song that best encompasses the band, what would it be and why?
KTJ: Oh, wow. It’s between “Moonlight” and “Sundown”, which is funny. We’re really focused right now on “Moonlight”; it really speaks to us.

Carly: It’s funny because it’s about a friendship. Sometimes in life, you have toxic friends and people in your life. It’s a play-off of “On Your Mind” and the aftermath of when you realize you need to get rid of that person. There’s a line that says, “I feel lonely, staring at the moonlight”—it’s that moment when you get out of a relationship and don’t know what to do with your time. You contemplate going back, but you realize you shouldn’t.

PC: What is your creative process like? Has it evolved throughout the years?
KTJ: We’re always writing, and it’s definitely evolved. It’s still very much the same, but it’s evolved in a better way. We’ve crafted it more. We used to write chord progressions on the piano and then write lyrics as we went, and we still do that, but now we take inspiration from literally everything.

Sometimes, I will hear a random melody in my head before I go to bed or during the most random hours of the day. I’ll have to record it immediately on my phone, and then I’ll make a chord progression off of that melody. Sometimes, we write lyrics before we write the music itself, but it’s always changing. We’re always trying to find ways to get better.

Carly: It’s important to us that we have something to say behind our lyrics—that is what will make people connect with the music. They connect to the story and the art.

PC: You’re bandmates and sisters. How do you manage that dynamic?
Carly: It can be challenging at times. We’ve grown up together and sisters fight.

KTJ: What’s nice about us is we can be ripping each other’s hair out one minute and then five seconds later, we’ll be like, “I love you.” [laughs]

Carly: We have a strong bond. We’ve always shared this passion together.

KTJ: We continue to inspire each other.

Carly: Music has made our bond stronger.

PC: What does the year hold for the two of you as we look ahead for the rest of 2019?
Carly: We’re going to be releasing songs consistently, every three months or so. Hopefully, by the end of next year, we’ll have an EP or album out—that’s our goal. We’re also playing at the Hotel Cafe on November 8th.

Pop Culturalist Speed Round

PC: A band or artist that fans would be surprised to learn is on your playlist?
KTJ: The Flaming Lips

Carly: Something that I’ve been listening to that would probably surprise people is that I’ve been really into French pop music. I just recently started getting into it because I always try to broaden my music genres. I try to listen to music from all over the world, like I love reggaeton music, I listen to KPOP…

PC: First album you bought?
Carly: It was either Kid Cudi or an old Miguel album.

KTJ: The first album I bought was probably a Hannah Montana album. But, I would say the first legit album we bought, the album was Man on the Moon: The End of Day by Kid Cudi.

Carly: Yes! That was mine too.

PC: First concert you attended?
KTJ & Carly: Hannah Montana and the Jonas Brothers. It was the greatest experience. No, I’m kidding. [laughs]

PC: An album that changed your life and why?
KTJ: Currents by Tame Impala, for sure, though that’s just one of them. There are a million albums that I love, but that one just really speaks to me because there’s a song on there called “The Moment”, which is about living in the moment and doing things in the present. Everything about that album speaks to me on another level.

PC: A venue on your bucket list to perform at?
Carly: We’re at such an early stage in our career that we’d like to perform anywhere. The Troubadour would be great in the next few years. That seems attainable.

KTJ: New Year’s Eve in Times Square

Carly: Maybe a festival like Bonnaroo

PC: A must-have on the road?
KTJ: My computer and food!

Carly: We always get Takis on the road.

KTJ: Takis? That’s so random.

Carly: That and my headphones!

To keep up with KTJ & Carly, follow them on Twitter and Instagram, and pick up “On Your Mind” on Amazon Music or stream it on Spotify.


Kevin is a writer living in New York City. He is an enthusiast with an extensive movie collection, who enjoys attending numerous conventions throughout the year. Say hi on Twitter and Instagram!

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